Book review
Michaelis de Marbasio Summa de Modis Significandi. Critical edition with an Introduction by L. G. Kelly
References (13)
Primary sources
Boethius Dacus. c.1270. Modi significant sive questiones super Priscianum. Ed. by Jan Pinborg & Heinrich Roos. Copenhagen: Gad, 1961.
Martinus Dacus. c.1280. Modi significant. Ed. by Heinrich Roos. Copenhagen: Gad, 1961.
Pseudo-Albertus Magnus, c.1285. Quaestiones Alberti de Modis SignificandL Ed. with Introduction by L. G. Kelly. (=
Studies in the History of Linguistics, 15.) Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1977.
Siger de Courtrai. c.1280. Summa modorum significandi. Ed. by Gaston Wal-lerand. (=
Les Philosophes belges, 8.) Louvain: Institut supérieur de Philosophie, 1913, 93–125. (New ed., with additions, critical notes and indexes by Jan Pinborg (=
Studies in the History of Linguistics, 14), Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1977.)
Secondary literature
Abercrombie, David. 1965[1948]. “Forgotten Phoneticians”. Studies in Phonetics and Linguistics by D. Abercrombie, 45–75. London: Oxford Univ. Press.
Bursill-Hall, G. L. 1971. Speculative Grammars of the Middle Ages: The doctrine of the partes orationis of the Modistae. The Hague: Mouton.
Bursill-Hall, G. L. 1981. Census of Medieval Grammatical Manuscripts. (=
Gramma-tica Speculativa, 4.) Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt: Friedrich Frommann Verlag-Günter Holzboog
Bursill-Hall, G. L. 1988. “The Modistae Revisted”. L Héritage des grammairiens latins de VAntiquité aux Lumières ed. by Irène Rosier, 215–232. Paris: Société pour l’information grammaticale; Louvain: Peeters.
Gansiniec, Ryszard. 1960. Metrificale Marka z Opatowca i traktaty grama-tyczne XIV i XV wieku [The Metrificale of Marcus of Opatowiec and the grammatical treatises of the 14th and 15th centuries]. Wroiaw: Zakiad im. Ossolińskich.
Pinborg, Jan. 1967. Die Entwicklung der Sprachtheorie in Mittelalter. (=
Bei-träge zu Geschichte der Philosophie und Théologie des Mittelalters, 42.) Munster: Aschendorff.