Book review
The Emergence of the English Native Speaker: A chapter in nineteenthcentury linguistic thought. By Stephanie Hackert
References (7)
Blommaert, Jan. 1999. “The Debate is Open”. Language Ideological Debates ed. by Jan Blommaert, 1–38. Berlin: De Gruyter.
Blommaert, Jan. 2010. The Sociolinguistics of Globalization. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 

Chomsky, Noam. 1965. Aspects of The Theory of Syntax. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press.
Coulmas, Florian. 1981. “Introduction: The concept of the native speaker”. A Festschrift for Native Speaker ed. by Florian Coulmas, 1–25. The Hague: Mouton.
Labaree, Leonard W. 1961. The Papers of Benjamin Franklin. Vol. 41. New Haven, Ct.: Yale University Press.
Piller, Ingrid. 2001. “Who, if Anyone, is a Native Speaker?”. Anglistik 121:2109–121.
Wyld, Henry Cecil. 1907. The Growth of English: An elementary account of the present form of our language, and its development. London: John Murray.