Jan Baudouin De Courtenay and Linguistic Contacts in the Eastern Alpine Area
Report of an international conference held at Prato di Resia (Udine), 23–24 September 1979, to commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of the death of Jan Baudouin de Courtenay (1845–1929)
References (10)
Among the numerous essays written by Baudouin on the Resian population and its language, the following are of particular interest:
Opyt fonetiki rez ‘janskix govorov, Varšava-Peterburg, 1875
Rez ‘janskij katexiziz, как priloženie к “Оруtu fonetiki rez’janskix govorov”, Varšava-Peterburg, 1875
“Glottologičeskie (lingvističeskie) zametki. I. Koe-čto po povodu rez’janskoj garmonii (sozvučija) glasnych”, Filologičeskie Zapiski, Voronež, 1876, vyp.V1, pp.1–16.
“Rez’ja i Rez’jane”, Slavjanskij sbornik, t.III1, Sankt-Peterburg, 1876, otd. I1, pp.223–371.
Il Catechismo Resiano, Pietroburgo, 1891
O slavjanach v Italii, “Russkaja Mysľ “, Moskva, 1893
Materialen zur südslavischen Dialektologie und Ethnographie, t.I1, Sankt Petersburg, 1895; t.II1, 1904; t.III1, 1913
“Sull ‘appartenenza linguistica ed etnografica degli Slávi del Friuli”, Atti e me-morie del Congresso storico, tenuto in Cividale nei giorni 3, 4 e 5 settembre 1899, Cividale, 1900
Latinsko-itaľjanskij pominaľnik XV stoletija, sostavlennyj I.A. Boduenom de Kurtene, vyp.I. Tekst, Sankt Peterburg, 1906
“Fakultative Sprachlaute”, Donum natalicium J. Schrijnen, Nijmegen – Utrecht, 1929, pp.38–43.
Cited by (1)
Cited by one other publication
Comtet, Roger
Le mélange des langues selon Baudouin de Courtenay (1845-1929).
Histoire Épistémologie Langage :45-1
► pp. 163 ff.

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