
Historiographia Linguistica welcomes submissions on all aspects of the history of the language sciences. Central objectives of HL are the critical presentation of the origin, development, and transmission of particular ideas, concepts, methods, schools of thought or trends, and the discussion of the methodological, epistemological, and philosophical foundations of a historiography of the language sciences, including its relationship with the history, sociology, and philosophy of science as well as with intellectual history generally.

Prior to formal submission, authors are encouraged to send the editors an inquiry together with a summary of their paper, preferably by e-mail.

Before sending a manuscript, contributors should familiarize themselves with the style adopted in HL and outlined in the journal's guidelines , as manuscripts deviating significantly from its conventions may be returned without being evaluated for their contents. Particular attention should be paid to the conventions employed in the presentation of data and the citation of sources.

Manuscripts submitted for publication in Historiographia Linguistica should be in English, French, or German; occasionally, contributions in other languages using Latin script may also be considered. Contributors who write in a language other than their native tongue are kindly requested to have their manuscript carefully checked by a native speaker.

HL invites proposals for Special Issues; for more information, see these Guidelines for Special Issue Proposals .

All correspondence concerning editorial matters (submission of manuscripts, discussions, and reports) should be directed to the editors:

Jean-Michel Fortis   Otto Zwartjes
Editor, HL   Editor, HL
CNRS, Université Paris Diderot
Université Paris Diderot
fortis.jean-michel at   otto.zwartjes at

Books for reviewing and correspondence concerning book reviews should be directed to the Reviews Editor:

Klaas Willems
Reviews Editor, HL
Ghent University, Department of German
Blandijnberg 2, B-9000 GHENT, Belgium
klaas.willems at


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