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2023. Linguistic pluricentrism and the Russian language. Russian Journal of Linguistics 27:3 ► pp. 663 ff.
Sild, Orsolya
2023. Address forms in Tatar spoken in Finland and Estonia. Open Linguistics 9:1
Xue, Wei, Catia Cucchiarini, Roeland van Hout & Helmer Strik
2023. Measuring the intelligibility of dysarthric speech through automatic speech recognition in a pluricentric language. Speech Communication 148 ► pp. 23 ff.
Norrby, Catrin
2021. Interaction and Variation in Pluricentric Languages - communicative patterns in Sweden Swedish and Finland Swedish
. Sociolinguistica 35:1 ► pp. 267 ff.
Schüpbach, Doris, John Hajek, Heinz L. Kretzenbacher & Catrin Norrby
2021. Approaches to the study of address in pluricentric languages: methodological reflections
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Wide, Camilla, Catrin Norrby & Leigh Oakes
2021. New perspectives on pluricentricity. Sociolinguistica 35:1 ► pp. 1 ff.
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2023. Bilingualism at the National and International Levels. In Understanding Bilingualism, Bilinguality, and Bilingual Education in an Era of Globalization [Advances in Religious and Cultural Studies, ], ► pp. 60 ff.
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