Workplace interaction
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 1.1Workplace interaction
- 1.2Understanding workplace interaction
- 2.Interaction in the workplace
- 2.1Speech acts
- 2.2Conversation analysis
- 2.3Interactional sociolinguistics
- 3.Working in groups
- 3.1Community of practice
- 3.2Appropriacy in groups
- 4.The influence of industry
- 4.1Difference by sector
- 4.2Gendered industries
- 5.Working within a society
- 5.1The impact of orders
- 5.2Ideological values and the workplace
- 6.Embracing complexity in workplace interaction
- 6.1The interplay of contextual constraints on workplace interaction
- 7.Where next for workplace interaction?
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