Buckband, Cory A.
A genealogical inquiry into raciolinguistic ideology and language policy among Spanish Franciscan missionaries in Alta California.
Language Policy
Cai, Chencen
‘I will be more inclusive towards students from different backgrounds’ – exploring Chinese teachers’ language ideologies and views about teaching Mandarin.
Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 45:2
► pp. 337 ff.
Janice Carruthers, Mairi McLaughlin & Olivia Walsh
Historical and Sociolinguistic Approaches to French,
Clapp, Justin T., Jacqueline M. Kruser, Margaret L. Schwarze & Rachel A. Hadler
Language in Bioethics: Beyond the Representational View.
The American Journal of Bioethics ► pp. 1 ff.
Cogo, Alessia, Telma Gimenez, Luciana Cabrini Calvo & Michele El Kadri
“English is the natural language of science”: discourses and ideologies concerning EMI in two Brazilian universities.
Journal of English as a Lingua Franca 13:1
► pp. 51 ff.
Engman, Mel M.
Indigenous and Minoritized Languages Education. In
Reference Module in Social Sciences,
Ferreyra, Patricia & Patricia Venegas-Weber
‘What language does grandma speak?’: an understanding of dual language teacher candidates’ language ideologies in elementary placements.
International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 27:1
► pp. 38 ff.
Innes, Pamela, Unnur Dís Skaptadóttir & Ania Wojtyńska
Using ideological disjunctures to explain lack of investment in learning the Icelandic language through formal methods.
Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development ► pp. 1 ff.
Joshi, Puskar R. & Zohreh R. Eslami
Barriers to language maintenance and multilingual schooling: examining the language policy provisions in Nepal’s constitutions.
Cogent Education 11:1
Kambatyrova, Assel
Parents’ language ideologies in the context of trilingual education policy in Kazakhstan.
International Journal of Multilingualism 21:3
► pp. 1201 ff.
Klein, Wendy
Autism and bilingual socialisation: parents’ perspectives and youth language practices in three bilingual (Japanese–English) families.
Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development ► pp. 1 ff.
Lamberti, Luana
Language Ideologies and Dialect Shift in Helvécian Portuguese.
Sociolinguistica 38:1
► pp. 77 ff.
Lin, Yi-Li, Fang-Huai Ku, Yu-Shan Ku & Jean F. Andrews
The National Languages Act (2019), Taiwanese Sign Language, and language planning and policy (LPP).
Deafness & Education International 26:2
► pp. 149 ff.
MacSwan, Jeff & Kellie Rolstad
(Un)grounded language ideologies: A brief history of translanguaging theory.
International Journal of Bilingualism 28:4
► pp. 719 ff.
Matras, Yaron, Katie Harrison, Leonie Elisa Gaiser & Stephanie Connor
Actors’ discourses on language supplementary schools: diaspora practices and emerging ideologies.
Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 45:5
► pp. 1703 ff.
Melo‐Pfeifer, Sílvia & Vander Tavares
An inconvenient truth: When ideologies of multilingualism lead to auto‐inflicted epistemic exclusion by multilingual students in higher education.
International Journal of Applied Linguistics
Nedashkivska, Alla
Language activism and the power of language in Ukraine during the war (2022–23).
Canadian Slavonic Papers ► pp. 1 ff.
Neuenschwander, Christoph
Nie, Mengjun, Juexuan Lu, Yongyan Zheng & Qi Shen
Facilitating learners’ participation through classroom translanguaging: comparing a translanguaging classroom and a monolingual classroom in Chinese language teaching.
Applied Linguistics Review 15:4
► pp. 1507 ff.
Padilla, Lillie & Rosti Vana
The “Other” Latinx: The (Non)existent Representation of Afro-Latinx in Spanish Language Textbooks.
Journal of Language, Identity & Education 23:5
► pp. 627 ff.
Piller, Ingrid, Donna Butorac, Emily Farrell, Loy Lising, Shiva Motaghi-Tabari & Vera Williams Tetteh
Life in a New Language,
Rymes, Betsy, Eunsun Lee & Sydney Negus
Language and Education: Ideologies of Correctness.
Annual Review of Anthropology
► pp. 183 ff.
Smagulova, Juldyz & Zulfiya Imyarova
Mobile borders and chronotope of homeland.
International Journal of the Sociology of Language 2024:288
► pp. 67 ff.
Uysal, Huseyin & Pramod K. Sah
Language ideologies and language teaching in the global world: An introduction to the special issue.
International Journal of Bilingualism 28:4
► pp. 611 ff.
Zhu, Kai & Shanhua He
Do you speak English or my language? An LMT approach to language requirements in EU nations’ visa applications.
Current Issues in Language Planning ► pp. 1 ff.
Beaudrie, Sara M. & Sergio Loza
Insights into SHL program direction: student and program advocacy challenges in the face of ideological inequity.
Language Awareness 32:1
► pp. 39 ff.
Brea-Spahn, María Rosa & Clara Vaz Bauler
Where Do You Anchor Your Beliefs? An Invitation to Interrogate Dominant Ideologies of Language and Languaging in Speech-Language Pathology.
Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools 54:3
► pp. 675 ff.
Dlamini, Phindile A. & Karen Ferreira-Meyers
First language instruction? Eswatini teachers’ insight of the Eswatini language-in-education policy.
Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies 41:2
► pp. 143 ff.
George, Angela & Anne Hoffman-González
Regional variety preferences by teachers in USA.
Revista de Lingüística y Lenguas Aplicadas 18
► pp. 89 ff.
Grover, Virginia L.
From monolingual mindset to plurilingual ethos: challenging perspectives on language(s).
Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 44:8
► pp. 751 ff.
Hankerson, Shenika
“The World Has to Stop Discriminating Against African American Language” (AAL): Exploring the Language Ideologies of AAL-Speaking Students in College Writing.
Written Communication 40:2
► pp. 587 ff.
Karim, Abdul, Md. Shaiful Islam, M. Obaidul Hamid, Mohammad Mosiur Rahman & Evita Umama Amin
Language ideology, development of English proficiency, and performance in professional communication: voices of STEM + business graduates of English medium university.
Asian-Pacific Journal of Second and Foreign Language Education 8:1
Lou, Kaiyang, Tao Xiong & Yue Peng
‘I have been dreaming about Chinese becoming the number one language in the world’: Chinese language educators’ language ideologies in Myanmar.
Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 44:1
► pp. 65 ff.
May, Stephen
Linguistic racism: Origins and implications.
Ethnicities 23:5
► pp. 651 ff.
McConnell, Jessica, Zhongfeng Tian & Bedrettin Yazan
Monolingual content-area teacher candidates’ identity work in an online teacher education course.
Linguistics and Education 77
► pp. 101228 ff.
Rabbidge, Michael & Abdul Saboor Zaheeb
The Cost of Change: How Ideological Shifts Impact Afghans' Investment in Learning English.
TESOL Quarterly 57:4
► pp. 1041 ff.
Saygı, Hasret & Işıl Erduyan
Local linguistic ideologies and Iraqi Turkmens’ experience of forced migration to Turkey: a folk linguistic perspective.
Language Policy 22:3
► pp. 289 ff.
Shirahata, Mai
English is ‘the language everybody shares’ but it is ‘my native language’: language ideologies and interpersonal relationships among students in internationalizing higher education.
Language and Intercultural Communication 23:5
► pp. 453 ff.
Shirahata, Mai, Malgorzata Lahti & Marko Siitonen
Language ideologies in a Finnish university student union’s Facebook communication practices.
Social Semiotics ► pp. 1 ff.
Soulaimani, Dris
“Purement Amazigh”: investigating embodied ideologies and linguistic practices in Morocco.
Multilingua 42:5
► pp. 649 ff.
Soulaimani, Dris
Multimodal arguments: language, script, and politics.
Multimodal Communication 12:3
► pp. 245 ff.
Sung, Chit Cheung Matthew
Agency and feedback-seeking: academic English socialization of L2 students in Hong Kong.
Language and Education 37:3
► pp. 364 ff.
Takeuchi, Jae DiBello
Code-switching as linguistic microaggression: L2-Japanese and speaker legitimacy.
Multilingua 42:2
► pp. 249 ff.
Tang, Xiruo & Yongyan Zheng
Unpacking complex language ideologies toward heritage language maintenance: a case of Chinese migrant families in the US.
International Multilingual Research Journal 17:4
► pp. 333 ff.
Wong, John D. & Andrew D. Wong
The Ongoing Business of Chinese-Language Reform: A View from the Periphery of Hong Kong in the Past Half Century.
Modern China 49:4
► pp. 448 ff.
Bishwokarma, B. R. & A. Bishowkarma
Dalit students’ critical awareness of their linguistic identity for pedagogical scaffolding: a geolinguistic perspective from Nepal.
Linguistics & Polyglot Studies 8:3
► pp. 96 ff.
Byrd Clark, Julie S. & Sylvie Roy
Becoming “Multilingual” Professional French Language Teachers in Transnational and Contemporary Times: Toward Transdisciplinary Approaches.
The Canadian Modern Language Review 78:3
► pp. 249 ff.
Language Teachers' Responses to Multilingual Classrooms: A Linguistic Ideological Perspective.
Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Eğitim Dergisi 39-1
► pp. 243 ff.
Galera, Nieves & David Poveda
Infants’ communicative ecologies and language policies in two contemporary Spanish families.
Sociolinguistic Studies 16:2-3
► pp. 223 ff.
Kasstan, Jonathan R.
Asia-Pacific Language Variation 8:2
► pp. 139 ff.
Mansfield, Marie-Anne
The role of multilingualism in the construction of social identity in a high social class family.
Sociolinguistic Studies 16:2-3
► pp. 203 ff.
Meyerhoff, Miriam & Norma Mendoza-Denton
Aesthetics in Styles and Variation: A Fresh Flavor.
Annual Review of Anthropology 51:1
► pp. 103 ff.
Miranda, Félix Bugueño
La tarea de orientación de la RAE-ASALE y de los investigadores de la lengua, el hablante y la efectividad de dicha tarea.
Hispanic Research Journal 23:6
► pp. 469 ff.
Neelam, Madiha
The Politicization of Muslims in the West. In
Muslim Women as Speakers of English,
► pp. 19 ff.
Panaligan, Joy Hannah & Nathaniel Ming Curran
“We are cheaper, so they hire us”: Discounted nativeness in online English teaching.
Journal of Sociolinguistics 26:2
► pp. 246 ff.
Thoma, Nadja
Biographical perspectives on language ideologies in teacher education.
Language and Education 36:5
► pp. 419 ff.
Thoma, Nadja
Zur Verschränkung der Differenzkategorien Sprache, race und Religion. In
Lehren und Lernen in Differenzverhältnissen [
Pädagogische Professionalität und Migrationsdiskurse, ],
► pp. 67 ff.
Thoma, Nadja
‘I don’t want to be pushed into an islamic school’: biography and raciolinguistic ideologies in education.
Race Ethnicity and Education 26:6
► pp. 735 ff.
Yang, Yilu
Conflicting but Reflexive Language Ideologies. In
Chinese Language Use by School-Aged Chinese Australians,
► pp. 171 ff.
Wendy Ayres-Bennett & John Bellamy
The Cambridge Handbook of Language Standardization,
Birello, Marilisa, Júlia Llompart-Esbert & Emilee Moore
Being plurilingual versus becoming a linguistically sensitive teacher: tensions in the discourse of initial teacher education students.
International Journal of Multilingualism 18:4
► pp. 586 ff.
Caldas, Blanca
Spanish Language Development and Support in a Bilingual Teacher Preparation Program.
Journal of Language, Identity & Education 20:1
► pp. 18 ff.
Guerola, Carlos Maroto & Maria Inêz Probst Lucena
Trabalhos em Linguística Aplicada 60:2
► pp. 425 ff.
Hadzantonis, Michael
Javanese Tensions: Revitalizing Javanese amidst Old and New Symbolisms; Toward a Linguistic Anthropology.
Journal on Asian Linguistic Anthropology 3:1
► pp. 1 ff.
Lhagyal, Dak
‘Linguistic authority’ in state-society interaction: cultural politics of Tibetan education in China.
Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education 42:3
► pp. 353 ff.
McLean, Mitchell, Jennifer M. Roche, Lisa Audet, Desiree Stribling & Rachael Kaufman
Explicit and Implicit Cognitive Processes Associated With Microaggression Endorsement.
Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups 6:6
► pp. 1719 ff.
McLelland, Nicola
Grammars, Dictionaries and Other Metalinguistic Texts in the Context of Language Standardization. In
The Cambridge Handbook of Language Standardization,
► pp. 263 ff.
McLelland, Nicola
Language standards, standardisation and standard ideologies in multilingual contexts.
Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 42:2
► pp. 109 ff.
Romanowski, Piotr
A deliberate language policy or a perceived lack of agency: Heritage language maintenance in the Polish community in Melbourne.
International Journal of Bilingualism 25:5
► pp. 1214 ff.
Sosnowski, Jim
Marginalization Through Curricularization of Language Teaching: Creating and Exposing Deficits in an Adult Language and Literacy Program.
Literacy Research: Theory, Method, and Practice 70:1
► pp. 369 ff.
Spears, Arthur K.
White Supremacy and Antiblackness: Theory and Lived Experience.
Journal of Linguistic Anthropology 31:2
► pp. 157 ff.
Babino, Alexandra & Mary Amanda Stewart
Languaging. In
Radicalizing Literacies and Languaging,
► pp. 71 ff.
Caldera, Altheria & Ale Ruiz Babino
Being a conduit and culprit of white language supremacy: a duo autohistoria-teoría.
Trayectorias Humanas Trascontinentales :8
Cisternas Irarrázabal, César & Aldo Olate Vinet
Las ideologías lingüísticas sobre las lenguas indígenas americanas: una revisión sistemática de artículos de investigación.
Íkala 25:3
► pp. 755 ff.
De La Cruz Albizu, Pedro J.
Exploring New York City elementary school principals’ language ideologies.
Language and Education 34:6
► pp. 503 ff.
Kroskrity, Paul V.
Theorizing Linguistic Racisms from a Language Ideological Perspective. In
The Oxford Handbook of Language and Race,
► pp. 68 ff.
Kroskrity, Paul V.
Multilingual Language Ideological Assemblages: Language Contact, Documentation and Revitalization.
Journal of Language Contact 15:2
► pp. 271 ff.
Limerick, Nicholas
What’s the Linguistic Variety of Audit Culture? Administering an Indigenous Language Proficiency Exam in Ecuador’s Intercultural Bilingual Education.
Anthropology & Education Quarterly 51:3
► pp. 282 ff.
Limerick, Nicholas
Speaking for a State: Standardized Kichwa Greetings and Conundrums of Commensuration in Intercultural Ecuador.
Signs and Society 8:2
► pp. 185 ff.
Milani, Tommaso M.
Language Ideology and Public Discourse. In
The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics,
► pp. 1 ff.
Smalls, Krystal A.
Race, SIGNS, and the Body. In
The Oxford Handbook of Language and Race,
► pp. 232 ff.
Tönsing, Kerstin Monika & Gloria Soto
Multilingualism and augmentative and alternative communication: examining language ideology and resulting practices.
Augmentative and Alternative Communication 36:3
► pp. 190 ff.
Bagga-Gupta, Sangeeta
Identity Positioning and Languaging in Deaf-Hearing Worlds: Some Insights From Studies of Segregated and Mainstream Educational Settings. In
Deaf Identities,
► pp. 162 ff.
Behtoui, Alireza, Fredrik Hertzberg, Rickard Jonsson, René León Rosales & Anders Neergaard
Sweden: The Otherization of the Descendants of Immigrants. In
The Palgrave Handbook of Race and Ethnic Inequalities in Education,
► pp. 999 ff.
Caldas, Blanca, Deborah Palmer & María Schwedhelm
Speakingeducaciónin Spanish: linguistic and professional development in a bilingual teacher education program in the US-Mexico Borderlands.
International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 22:1
► pp. 49 ff.
Cisternas Irarrázabal, César
Marcador étnico: discursos de autoridades de La Araucanía (Chile) sobre el mapudungún.
Estudios Sociológicos de El Colegio de México 38:112
► pp. 39 ff.
Nuñez, Idalia & Katherine Espinoza
Bilingual pre-service teachers’ initial experiences: Language ideologies in practice.
Journal of Latinos and Education 18:3
► pp. 228 ff.
Obojska, Maria Antonina
Trilingual repertoires, multifaceted experiences: multilingualism among Poles in Norway.
International Multilingual Research Journal 13:4
► pp. 257 ff.
Paulsrud, BethAnne & Jenny Rosén
Translanguaging and Language Ideologies in Education: Northern and Southern Perspectives. In
Handbook of the Changing World Language Map,
► pp. 1 ff.
Sliashynskaya, Hanna
‘One nation, two languages’: representations of official languages on multilingual news websites in Belarus.
Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 40:4
► pp. 274 ff.
Wang, Weihong & Fan (Gabriel) Fang
Chinese Netizens’ reactions to the use of English as a lingua franca.
English Today 35:4
► pp. 3 ff.
Weaver, Megan M.
“I still think there's a need for proper, academic, Standard English”: Examining a teacher's negotiation of multiple language ideologies.
Linguistics and Education 49
► pp. 41 ff.
Šipka, Danko
Lexical Layers of Identity,
Chen, Spencer C.
Visualizing language ideologies and verbalizing perceived linguistic boundaries: The case of Mandarin Chinese in contemporary Taiwan.
Global Chinese 4:1
► pp. 11 ff.
Cru, Josep
Micro-level language planning and YouTube comments: destigmatising indigenous languages through rap music.
Current Issues in Language Planning 19:4
► pp. 434 ff.
Epps, Patience
Contrasting linguistic ecologies: Indigenous and colonially mediated language contact in northwest Amazonia.
Language & Communication 62
► pp. 156 ff.
Lai, Li-Fang & Shelome Gooden
The spread of raised (ay) and (aw) in Yami: From regional distinctiveness to ethnic identity marker.
Journal of Linguistic Geography 6:2
► pp. 125 ff.
Liu, Haiqin & Prue Holmes
Ideologies of the Chinese language in Finland.
Global Chinese 4:2
► pp. 247 ff.
Metz, Mike
Exploring the complexity of high school students’ beliefs about language variation.
Linguistics and Education 45
► pp. 10 ff.
Metz, Mike
Ideology, identity, and pedagogy in English language arts teachers’ linguistic styling in U.S. classrooms.
Linguistics and Education 64
► pp. 100942 ff.
Fleming, Kara
Who Is “Diverse”?: (In)Tolerance, Education, and Race in Hong Kong. In
Education, Ethnicity and Equity in the Multilingual Asian Context [
Multilingual Education, 32],
► pp. 89 ff.
Lagos, Cristián
The Revitalization of the Mapuche Language as a Space of Ideological Struggle: The Case of Pehuenche Communities in Chile.
Journal of Historical Archaeology & Anthropological Sciences 1:5
Mariou, Eleni
‘My language, my mother tongue’: competing language ideologies and linguistic diversity among speakers of standard and non-standard varieties.
International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 20:1
► pp. 20 ff.
Stranger–Johannessen, Espen & Bonny Norton
The African Storybook and Language Teacher Identity in Digital Times.
The Modern Language Journal 101:S1
► pp. 45 ff.
Curdt-Christiansen, Xiao Lan
Conflicting language ideologies and contradictory language practices in Singaporean multilingual families.
Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 37:7
► pp. 694 ff.
De Costa, Peter I.
Reconceptualizing Language, Language Learning, and the Language Learner in the Age of Globalization. In
The Power of Identity and Ideology in Language Learning [
Multilingual Education, 18],
► pp. 13 ff.
De Costa, Peter I.
Foreign Talent and Singapore. In
The Power of Identity and Ideology in Language Learning [
Multilingual Education, 18],
► pp. 1 ff.
Kibler, Amanda K. & Guadalupe Valdés
Conceptualizing Language Learners: Socioinstitutional Mechanisms and their Consequences.
The Modern Language Journal 100:S1
► pp. 96 ff.
Olinger, Andrea R.
A Sociocultural Approach to Style.
Rhetoric Review 35:2
► pp. 121 ff.
Olinger, Andrea R.
Visual Embodied Actions in Interview-Based Writing Research: A Methodological Argument for Video.
Written Communication 37:2
► pp. 167 ff.
Park, Jonghyun
Rap as Korean Rhyme: Local Enregisterment of the Foreign.
Journal of Linguistic Anthropology 26:3
► pp. 278 ff.
Worthy, Jo, Idalia Nuñez & Katherine Espinoza
“Wow, I get to choose now!” Bilingualism and biliteracy development from childhood to young adulthood.
Bilingual Research Journal 39:1
► pp. 20 ff.
Zas Varela, Luz
Prácticas metapragmáticas e ideologías lingüísticas en el aula. Variedades de español y gallego de jóvenes en Galicia.
Pragmática Sociocultural / Sociocultural Pragmatics 4:2
► pp. 215 ff.
De Costa, Peter
Darren Paffey (ed): Language Ideologies and the Globalization of ‘Standard’ Spanish (Advances in Sociolinguistics).
Language Policy 14:4
► pp. 423 ff.
Du, Biyu
The Silenced Interpreter: A Case Study of Language and Ideology in the Chinese Criminal Court.
International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue internationale de Sémiotique juridique 28:3
► pp. 507 ff.
Fitriati, Sri Wuli
English Bilingual Education in an Indonesian Public School. In
Educational Innovations and Contemporary Technologies,
► pp. 87 ff.
Fitts, Shanan & Greg McClure
Countering Anti-Immigrant Discourses in the New Latino South: “Nos mascan pero no nos tragan”.
Critical Inquiry in Language Studies 12:4
► pp. 231 ff.
Holmström, Ingela, Sangeeta Bagga‐Gupta & Rickard Jonsson
Communicating and Hand(ling) Technologies. Everyday Life in Educational Settings Where Pupils With Cochlear Implants Are Mainstreamed.
Journal of Linguistic Anthropology 25:3
► pp. 256 ff.
Hornberger, Nancy H. & Hanna Outakoski
Sámi time, space, and place.
Confero: Essays on Education, Philosophy and Politics 3:1
► pp. 9 ff.
König, Katharina, Jennifer Dailey‐O'Cain & Grit Liebscher
A comparison of heritage language ideologies in interaction.
Journal of Sociolinguistics 19:4
► pp. 484 ff.
Lagos Fernández, Cristian Andres
El Programa de Educación Intercultural Bilingüe y sus resultados: ¿perpetuando la discriminación?.
Pensamiento Educativo: Revista de Investigación Educacional Latinoamericana 52:2
► pp. 84 ff.
Valdés, Guadalupe
Latins and the Intergenerational Continuity of Spanish: The Challenges of Curricularizing Language.
International Multilingual Research Journal 9:4
► pp. 253 ff.
Valdés, Guadalupe
Analyzing the curricularization of language in two-way immersion education: Restating two cautionary notes.
Bilingual Research Journal 41:4
► pp. 388 ff.
Avineri, Netta & Paul V. Kroskrity
On the (re-)production and representation of endangered language communities: Social boundaries and temporal borders.
Language & Communication 38
► pp. 1 ff.
Ag, A. & J. N. Jørgensen
Ideologies, norms, and practices in youth poly-languaging.
International Journal of Bilingualism 17:4
► pp. 525 ff.
Karrebæk, Martha Sif
‘Don't speak like that to her!’: Linguistic minority children's socialization into an ideology of monolingualism.
Journal of Sociolinguistics 17:3
► pp. 355 ff.
Lagos, Cristián, Marco Espinoza & Darío Rojas
Mapudungun according to its speakers: Mapuche intellectuals and the influence of standard language ideology.
Current Issues in Language Planning 14:3-04
► pp. 403 ff.
This list is based on CrossRef data as of 6 january 2025. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers.
Any errors therein should be reported to them.