On the interaction between legal and religious concepts
Legal concepts differ in each individual society reflecting the differences in that society (Cao 2007, 2010). They form part of
nationally contained legal systems with their own terminological apparatus and underlying conceptual structure, their
own rules of classification (Šarčević 1997). These differences have both
semasiological and onomasiological perspectives. Some areas of the Moroccan law offer a good illustration for these
idiosyncratic features as they are marked by peculiar characteristics, reflecting the prevalent political, social and
religious realities. In this chapter, we will shed light on the interaction between law and religion, showing how this
interaction manifests itself in the Moroccan Family Code (Moudawana). The study will be carried out from
semasiological and onomasiological angles.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Interaction between religion and law
- 3.Methodological considerations
- 4.Religious origins of the Moroccan Family Law legal terminology
- 5.Semasiological dimensions
- 6.Conclusion