Building off a series of matched guise studies focused on attitudes toward native-like (L1) and accented (L2) Spanish and Catalan in Catalonia, Spain (Woolard, 1984, 1989, 2009, 2011; Woolard & Gahng, 1990), this study explores covert and overt attitudes toward two specific phonetic features of Catalonian Spanish, namely lateral velarization and intervocalic /s/ voicing. Catalan-Spanish Barcelonan bilinguals and Madrid Spanish monolinguals (N = 54) completed a matched guise task eliciting covert judgments toward each phenomenon independently. Results from the matched guise, in combination with elicited overt attitudes from sociolinguistic interviews, demonstrate how broader linguistic attitudes and ideologies toward the Spanish language can be comprised from an aggregate set of individual speech variants and the distinct social values afforded to each of them.
Article outline
2.Linguistic attitudes and speech features in Catalonia
2.1Matched guise studies in Catalonia
2.2Laterals and intervocalic fricatives in Spanish and Catalan
3.Research questions and hypotheses concerning Catalans’ Spanish [ɫ] and [z]
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