Chapter 5
Amazonian Spanish and the emergence and maintenance of ethnolinguistic variation
This chapter outlines various linguistic phenomena involved in the creation and transmission of ethnolinguistic variation, as a general framework for understanding Amazonian Spanish specifically. Language and dialect contact, second language acquisition, bilingualism, and language shift have all played important roles in the emergence and maintenance of ethnicity-based language varieties around the world, and Amazonian Spanish is certainly no exception. The chapter considers the potential explanatory value of the concept of an ethnolinguistic repertoire (Benor, 2010) when accounting for patterns of variation observed in Amazonian Spanish, and also points out the need to examine the interaction between ethnicity and other relevant social factors such as age, gender, and social class (Wolfram & Schilling, 2016) as speakers index their multifaceted identities.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Background information
- 2.1Ethnicity and race
- 2.2Linguistic diversity of the Amazon region
- 3.Linguistic phenomena involved in ethnicity-based language variation
- 3.1Language contact
- 3.2Dialect contact
- 3.3Second language acquisition and bilingualism
- 3.4Language shift
- 4.Ethnolinguistic repertoire
- 5.Interaction between ethnicity and other social factors
- 6.Conclusion