Attitudes towards lexical Arabisms in sixteenth-century Spanish texts
This article studies the linguistic attitudes towards Arabisms as reflected in various texts of the sixteenth-century and offers abundant comments from diverse authors that demonstrate their status as linguistic stereotypes. Through an examination of the revision of La Primera parte de una recopilación de algunos nombres arábigos (circa 1593) by Diego de Guadix, the relationship between language and society is demonstrated through the linguistic attitudes evident toward both the Arabic language and Arabisms. Another prominent aspect of the Recopilación is the case of lexical prescription (e.g. almadía, alfayata, zaguera or adarve) that may result during the process of substitution for Arabisms, a topic widely mentioned by many scholars. One of the immediate consequences of these evolving linguistic attitudes was the gradual elimination of Arabisms during the processes of reviewing and editing texts of the period. There are six editions of Gabriel Alonso de Herrera’s Obra de Agricultura, all of them revised by the author. A collation of the editions sheds light on one the most opaque processes in the history of the lexicon: the replacement of Arabisms.
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