‘Topic’ is one of the most studied and the least understood subjects in Chinese linguistics. One major problem is the so-called ‘Chinese-style topics/ dangling topics’. Shi (2000) was the first to establish a typology of Chinese-style topics. Later studies were primarily concerned with the validity of his typology (Huang & Ting 2006; Pan & Hu 2002, 2008) and with how Chinese-style topics, if they exist, are semantically licensed (Hu & Pan 2009). More problematic and less discussed is the question as to how Chinese-style topics are syntactically derived. Based on previous studies and new tests, I argue that Chinese-style topics do exist, although not only in Chinese and not all Shi’s six types are Chinese-style topics. I only identify Shi (2000)’s types 3 and 4 as Chinese-style topics, contrary to the conclusion of all previous studies. Furthermore, I argue that the Chinese-style topics which I identify share properties which non-Chinese-style topics do not have, namely Chinese-style topics necessarily or preferably stand before other topics and do not show Weak Crossover and Relativized Minimality effects. To explain these properties, I adopt Giorgi (2010)’s Indexicality Hypothesis and propose that Chinese-style topics, which have the interpretable [iDeictic] feature, sit at the specifier of the C-SpeakerP at the leftmost layer of the CP. This approach can shed new light on the famous dichotomy, that of topic-prominent languages vs. subject-prominent languages (Li & Thompson 1976).
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Cited by (4)
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2023. Semantic similarity and mutual information predicting sentence comprehension: the case of dangling topic construction in Chinese. Journal of Cognitive Psychology 35:2 ► pp. 142 ff.
Li, Wenshan
2021. The procedural syntax of fake modification constructions in Chinese. Canadian Journal of Linguistics/Revue canadienne de linguistique 66:1 ► pp. 91 ff.
Wu, Tong
2021. 类型学视角下汉语的双系式结构. International Journal of Chinese Linguistics 8:1 ► pp. 139 ff.
Chappell, Hilary & Denis Creissels
2019. Topicality and the typology of predicative possession. Linguistic Typology 23:3 ► pp. 467 ff.
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