Article published In:
International Journal of Corpus Linguistics
Vol. 15:1 (2010) ► pp.106131
Cited by (80)

Cited by 80 other publications

De Sisto, Mirella, Irene Murtagh & Myriam Vermeerbergen
2024. Sign Languages and Machine Translation: Challenges and Opportunities. In Sign Language Machine Translation [Machine Translation: Technologies and Applications, 5],  pp. 89 ff. DOI logo
Gawne, Lauren & Kensy Cooperrider
2024. Emblems: Meaning at the interface of language and gesture. Glossa: a journal of general linguistics 9:1 DOI logo
German, Austin
2024. Metalinguistic Discourse in an Emerging Sign Language. Languages 9:7  pp. 240 ff. DOI logo
Jantunen, Tommi, Johanna Mesch & Lindsay Ferrara
2024. Corpus research on signed languages in the Nordic countries. Nordic Journal of Linguistics  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Lara-Ortiz, Diana Vania, Rita Q. Fuentes Aguilar & Isaac Chairez
2024. Design of a neural transformer for Spanish to Mexican Sign Language automatic translation/interpretation. Network: Computation in Neural Systems  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Lepeut, Alysson, Clara Lombart, Sébastien Vandenitte & Laurence Meurant
2024. Spoken and signed languages hand in hand: parallel and directly comparable corpora of French Belgian Sign Language (lsfb) and French. Corpora 19:2  pp. 241 ff. DOI logo
Puupponen, Anna, Gabrielle Hodge, Benjamin Anible, Juhana Salonen, Tuija Wainio, Jarkko Keränen, Doris Hernández & Tommi Jantunen
2024. Opening up Corpus FinSL: enriching corpus analysis with linguistic ethnography in a study of constructed action. Linguistics DOI logo
Shahin, Nada & Leila Ismail
2024. From rule-based models to deep learning transformers architectures for natural language processing and sign language translation systems: survey, taxonomy and performance evaluation. Artificial Intelligence Review 57:10 DOI logo
Tuveri, Franco
2024. A Comprehensive Review of Sign Language Production. Journal of Computer-Assisted Linguistic Research 8  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Vandeghinste, Vincent, Mirella De Sisto, Maria Kopf, Marc Schulder, Caro Brosens, Lien Soetemans, Rehana Omardeen, Frankie Picron, Davy Van Landuyt, Irene Murtagh, Elefterios Avramidis & Mathieu De Coster
2024. Language Resources for European Sign Languages. In Sign Language Machine Translation [Machine Translation: Technologies and Applications, 5],  pp. 141 ff. DOI logo
Willoughby, L., R. T. Smith & T. Johnston
2024. The GeSCA repository: Gesture and Sign Corpus of Australia. Australian Journal of Linguistics 44:2-3  pp. 220 ff. DOI logo
Barberà, Gemma & Josep Quer
2023. Studying microdiachronic change with the Catalan Sign Language corpus. In Advances in Sign Language Corpus Linguistics [Studies in Corpus Linguistics, 108],  pp. 219 ff. DOI logo
Hanke, Thomas, Reiner Konrad & Gabriele Langer
2023. Exploring regional variation in the DGS Corpus. In Advances in Sign Language Corpus Linguistics [Studies in Corpus Linguistics, 108],  pp. 192 ff. DOI logo
Hanke, Thomas, Lutz König, Reiner Konrad, Maria Kopf, Marc Schulder & Rosalee Wolfe
2023. 2023 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing Workshops (ICASSPW),  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Hochgesang, Julie A., Ryan Lepic & Emily Shaw
2023. W(h)ither the ASL corpus?. In Advances in Sign Language Corpus Linguistics [Studies in Corpus Linguistics, 108],  pp. 287 ff. DOI logo
Kimchi, Inbal, Lucie Wolters, Rose Stamp & Inbal Arnon
2023. Evidence of Zipfian distributions in three sign languages. Gesture 22:2  pp. 154 ff. DOI logo
Mesch, Johanna
2023. Creating a multifaceted corpus of Swedish Sign Language. In Advances in Sign Language Corpus Linguistics [Studies in Corpus Linguistics, 108],  pp. 242 ff. DOI logo
Nunnari, Fabrizio, Shailesh Mishra & Patrick Gebhard
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Núñez-Marcos, Adrián, Olatz Perez-de-Viñaspre & Gorka Labaka
2023. A survey on Sign Language machine translation. Expert Systems with Applications 213  pp. 118993 ff. DOI logo
Schulder, Marc, Sam Bigeard, Thomas Hanke & Maria Kopf
2023. 2023 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing Workshops (ICASSPW),  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
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2022. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments,  pp. 260 ff. DOI logo
Gabarró-López, Sílvia & Laurence Meurant
2022. Contrasting signed and spoken languages. Languages in Contrast 22:2  pp. 169 ff. DOI logo
García-Miguel, José M. & María del Carmen Cabeza-Pereiro
2022. Argument and Verb Meaning Clustering From Expression Forms in LSE. Frontiers in Psychology 13 DOI logo
Green, Jennifer, Felicity Meakins & Cassandra Algy
2022. Tradition and innovation: Using sign language in a Gurindji community in Northern Australia. Australian Journal of Linguistics 42:2  pp. 139 ff. DOI logo
Hodge, Gabrielle & Sara A. Goico
2022. Natural and elicited: Sign language corpus linguistics and linguistic ethnography as complementary methodologies. Journal of Sociolinguistics 26:1  pp. 126 ff. DOI logo
Konrad, Reiner, Gabriele Langer, Anke Müller & Sabrina Wähl
2022. Where frozen signs reclaim iconic ground. In Iconicity in Cognition and across Semiotic Systems [Iconicity in Language and Literature, 18],  pp. 265 ff. DOI logo
Lepeut, Alysson
2022. When hands stop moving, interaction keeps going. Languages in Contrast 22:2  pp. 290 ff. DOI logo
Lin, Hao & Yan Gu
2022. “Hold infinity in the palm of your hand.” A functional description of time expressions through fingers based on Chinese Sign Language naturalistic data. Language and Cognition 14:1  pp. 61 ff. DOI logo
Lombart, Clara
2022. Prosodic marking of contrast in LSFB (French Belgian Sign Language). Belgian Journal of Linguistics 36  pp. 108 ff. DOI logo
Wolfe, Rosalee, John C. McDonald, Thomas Hanke, Sarah Ebling, Davy Van Landuyt, Frankie Picron, Verena Krausneker, Eleni Efthimiou, Evita Fotinea & Annelies Braffort
2022. Sign Language Avatars: A Question of Representation. Information 13:4  pp. 206 ff. DOI logo
Bianchini, Claudia S.
2021. Représenter les langues des signes sous forme écrite : questions qui ont besoin (encore aujourd’hui) d’être posées. Corela :19-2 DOI logo
Crible, Ludivine & Sílvia Gabarró-López
2021. Coherence relations across speech and sign language. Languages in Contrast 21:1  pp. 58 ff. DOI logo
Jorgensen, Eleanor, Jennifer Green & Anastasia Bauer
2021. Exploring Phonological Aspects of Australian Indigenous Sign Languages. Languages 6:2  pp. 81 ff. DOI logo
2021. A Corpus-Based Typology of Negation Strategies in Turkish Sign Language. Dilbilim Araştırmaları Dergisi 32:2  pp. 111 ff. DOI logo
Makaroğlu, Bahtiyar
2021. What the frequency list can teach us about Turkish sign language?. Poznan Studies in Contemporary Linguistics 57:4  pp. 619 ff. DOI logo
McDonald, John & Michael Filhol
2021. Natural synthesis of productive forms from structured descriptions of sign language. Machine Translation 35:3  pp. 363 ff. DOI logo
Ferrara, Lindsay
2020. Some interactional functions of finger pointing in signed language conversations. Glossa: a journal of general linguistics 5:1 DOI logo
Jantunen, Tommi, Danny De Weerdt, Birgitta Burger & Anna Puupponen
2020. The more you move, the more action you construct. Gesture 19:1  pp. 72 ff. DOI logo
Doan, Patrick, Dominique Boutet, AdrienContesse, Claudia S. Bianchini, Claire Danet, Morgane Rébulard, Jean-François Dauphin, Léa Chevrefils, Chloé Thomas & Mathieu Reguer
2019. Handling Sign Language handshapes annotation with the typannot typefont. CogniTextes 19:Volume 19 DOI logo
Gabarró-López, Sílvia
2019. Describing buoys from the perspective of discourse markers. Sign Language & Linguistics 22:2  pp. 210 ff. DOI logo
Gabarró-López, Sílvia
2019. When the Meaning of Same Is Not Restricted to Likeness: A Preliminary Study from the Perspective of Discourse Relational Devices in Two Sign Languages. Discours :24 DOI logo
Gabarró-López, Sílvia
2020. Are discourse markers related to age and educational background? A comparative account between two sign languages. Journal of Pragmatics 156  pp. 68 ff. DOI logo
Johnston, Trevor Alexander
2018. Bimodal code-mixing: Dutch spoken language elements in NGT discourse. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 21:1  pp. 104 ff. DOI logo
Bianchini, Claudia S., Léa Chèvrefils, Claire Danet, Patrick Doan, Morgane Rébulard, Adrien Contesse & Dominique Boutet
2018. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Movement and Computing,  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Hessmann, Jens
2018. Researching sign languages, interpreting and translation. Translation and Interpreting Studies 13:1  pp. 150 ff. DOI logo
Vermeerbergen, Myriam & Mieke Van Herreweghe
2018. Looking back while moving forward: The impact of societal and technological developments on Flemish sign language lexicographic practices. International Journal of Lexicography 31:2  pp. 167 ff. DOI logo
Börstell, Carl, Thomas Hörberg & Robert Östling
2016. Distribution and duration of signs and parts of speech in Swedish Sign Language. Sign Language & Linguistics 19:2  pp. 143 ff. DOI logo
Floyd, Simeon, Elizabeth Manrique, Giovanni Rossi & Francisco Torreira
2016. Timing of Visual Bodily Behavior in Repair Sequences: Evidence From Three Languages. Discourse Processes 53:3  pp. 175 ff. DOI logo
Johnston, Trevor, Jane van Roekel & Adam Schembri
2016. On the Conventionalization of Mouth Actions in Australian Sign Language. Language and Speech 59:1  pp. 3 ff. DOI logo
Crasborn, Onno A.
2015. Transcription and Notation Methods. In Research Methods in Sign Language Studies,  pp. 74 ff. DOI logo
Fenlon, Jordan, Adam Schembri, Trevor Johnston & Kearsy Cormier
2015. Documentary and Corpus Approaches to Sign Language Research. In Research Methods in Sign Language Studies,  pp. 156 ff. DOI logo
Hill, Joseph C.
2015. Data Collection in Sociolinguistics. In Research Methods in Sign Language Studies,  pp. 193 ff. DOI logo
Johnston, Trevor, Donovan Cresdee, Adam Schembri & Bencie Woll
2015. finishvariation and grammaticalization in a signed language: How far down this well-trodden pathway is Auslan (Australian Sign Language)?. Language Variation and Change 27:1  pp. 117 ff. DOI logo
Manrique, Elizabeth & N. J. Enfield
2015. Suspending the next turn as a form of repair initiation: evidence from Argentine Sign Language. Frontiers in Psychology 6 DOI logo
Mesch, Johanna & Lars Wallin
2015. Gloss annotations in the Swedish Sign Language Corpus. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 20:1  pp. 102 ff. DOI logo
Wehrmeyer, Ella
2015. Comprehension of television news signed language interpreters. Interpreting. International Journal of Research and Practice in Interpreting 17:2  pp. 195 ff. DOI logo
Wehrmeyer, Ella
2019. Rethinking handshape. Sign Language & Linguistics 22:1  pp. 83 ff. DOI logo
Wehrmeyer, Ella
2019. A corpus for signed language interpreting research. Interpreting. International Journal of Research and Practice in Interpreting 21:1  pp. 62 ff. DOI logo
Wehrmeyer, Ella
2020. Shifts in signed media interpreting. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 25:3  pp. 270 ff. DOI logo
Wehrmeyer, Ella
2021. Additions in simultaneous signed interpreting. Translation and Interpreting Studies 16:3  pp. 434 ff. DOI logo
Wehrmeyer, Ella
2022. Psycholinguistic errors in signed simultaneous interpreting. Interpreting. International Journal of Research and Practice in Interpreting 24:2  pp. 192 ff. DOI logo
Wehrmeyer, Ella
2023. Sign language corpus linguistics. In Advances in Sign Language Corpus Linguistics [Studies in Corpus Linguistics, 108],  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Wehrmeyer, Ella
2023. Verb classes in South African Sign Language. In Advances in Sign Language Corpus Linguistics [Studies in Corpus Linguistics, 108],  pp. 155 ff. DOI logo
Winston, Elizabeth A. & Cynthia Roy
2015. Discourse analysis and sign languages. In Sociolinguistics and Deaf Communities,  pp. 95 ff. DOI logo
Cresdee, Donovan & Trevor Johnston
2014. Using Corpus-Based Research to Inform the Teaching of Auslan (Australian Sign Language) as a Second Language. In Teaching and Learning Signed Languages,  pp. 85 ff. DOI logo
Fenlon, Jordan, Adam Schembri, Ramas Rentelis, David Vinson & Kearsy Cormier
2014. Using conversational data to determine lexical frequency in British Sign Language: The influence of text type. Lingua 143  pp. 187 ff. DOI logo
Green, Jennifer, Barbara F. Kelly & Adam Schembri
2014. Finding Common Ground: Sign Language and Gesture Research in Australia. Australian Journal of Linguistics 34:2  pp. 185 ff. DOI logo
Hodge, Gabrielle & Trevor Johnston
2014. Points, Depictions, Gestures and Enactment: Partly Lexical and Non-Lexical Signs as Core Elements of Single Clause-Like Units in Auslan (Australian Sign Language). Australian Journal of Linguistics 34:2  pp. 262 ff. DOI logo
Johnston, Trevor
2014. The reluctant oracle: using strategic annotations to add value to, and extract value from, a signed language corpus. Corpora 9:2  pp. 155 ff. DOI logo
Müller de Quadros, Ronice, Diane Lillo-Martin & Deborah Chen Pichler
Stamp, Rose, Adam Schembri, Jordan Fenlon, Ramas Rentelis, Bencie Woll, Kearsy Cormier & Howard Nusbaum
2014. Lexical Variation and Change in British Sign Language. PLoS ONE 9:4  pp. e94053 ff. DOI logo
Fenlon, Jordan, Adam Schembri, Ramas Rentelis & Kearsy Cormier
2013. Variation in handshape and orientation in British Sign Language: The case of the ‘1’ hand configuration. Language & Communication 33:1  pp. 69 ff. DOI logo
Napoli, Donna Jo, Jami Fisher & Gene Mirus
2013. Bleached taboo-term predicates in American Sign Language. Lingua 123  pp. 148 ff. DOI logo
Cormier, Kearsy, David Quinto-Pozos, Zed Sevcikova & Adam Schembri
2012. Lexicalisation and de-lexicalisation processes in sign languages: Comparing depicting constructions and viewpoint gestures. Language & Communication 32:4  pp. 329 ff. DOI logo
Crasborn, Onno & Menzo Windhouwer
2012. ISOcat Data Categories for Signed Language Resources. In Gesture and Sign Language in Human-Computer Interaction and Embodied Communication [Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 7206],  pp. 118 ff. DOI logo
Johnston, Trevor & Adam Schembri
2012. Corpus Analysis of Sign Languages. In The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics, DOI logo
Braffort, Annelies, Emilie Chételat-Pelé & Jérémie Segouat
2011. Corpus de langue des signes : situer les biais des méthodes d’annotation et d’analyse. Corpus :10  pp. 25 ff. DOI logo
[no author supplied]
2022. Bibliography. Journal of Sociolinguistics 26:1  pp. 137 ff. DOI logo

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