General extenders and discourse variation
A focus on Lithuanian
The present study accounts for the use of general extenders (GEs) in spoken and written registers. The repertoire
and usage of GEs is analysed in Lithuanian by focusing on their distribution across different registers, their structural
properties, and discourse-pragmatic functions. The study is based on a reference corpus of Lithuanian, which includes four
subcorpora of written discourse and a subcorpus of spoken discourse. The findings indicate that there are some significant
cross-generic differences in GE frequency, but most frequently GEs in Lithuanian are used in written academic discourse. With
regard to the structural types of GEs, adjunctives are considerably more frequent than disjunctives. GE structure allows for a
large degree of variation, and in spoken interaction GEs can include deictic elements. Concerning discourse-pragmatic functions,
GEs are predominantly used to serve textual and interpersonal functions, which appear to be strongly related to the structural
type of the GE and discourse settings.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Context-sensitivity and variation of GEs
- 3.Data and methodology
- 4.Results
- 4.1GE variation across registers: Spoken vs. written
- 4.2Structural features of Lithuanian GEs
- 4.3Qualitative analysis of discourse-pragmatic functions
- 5.Conclusion
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Overstreet, Maryann
The English general extender.
English Today 36:4
► pp. 47 ff.

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