Papatsiba, Vassiliki & Veronika Koller
Brexit metaphors in UK higher education: loss, agency and interconnectedness.
Higher Education 
Dai, Rumeng & Shuixiang Peng
The implication of the illness metaphors of In America: Mitigating negative effects of metaphors through illness narratives in the postpandemic era of COVID-19.
Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 11:1

Eriçok, Barış, Fatih Karataş & Erkan Yüce
Öğretmen adaylarının yapay zekaya (YZ) ilişkin metafor algıları.
Kocaeli Üniversitesi Eğitim Dergisi 7:2
► pp. 607 ff.

Harvey, Daisy, Paul Rayson, Fiona Lobban, Jasper Palmier-Claus & Steven Jones
Lived experience at the core: A classification system for risk-taking behaviours in bipolar.

Kirsten, Johanita & Jacques McDermid Heyns
“Living with HIV” – Changes in HIV and AIDS Metaphors in South African Educational Policy.
Metaphor and Symbol 39:3
► pp. 183 ff.

Liu, Yufeng, Elena Semino, Judith Rietjens & Sheila Payne
Cancer experience in metaphors: patients, carers, professionals, students – a scoping review.
BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care ► pp. spcare-2024-004927 ff.

Montali, Lorenzo, Joanne Brooker, Elisabetta Camussi, Parris Davenport, Elisabetta Ronco, Lyndel Shand, Edoardo Zulato & Tess Knight
The interplay between ovarian cancer and social relationships: an analysis of patients’ metaphors.
Psychology & Health 39:11
► pp. 1575 ff.

Shu, Jing, Gui Wang & Caihua Xu
An exploration of CFL learners’ metaphor use in second language writing: Effects of genre and topic.
Journal of Second Language Writing 66
► pp. 101162 ff.

Syed, Adnan & Michael S. Jacob
Languaging psychopathology: neurobiology and metaphor.
Frontiers in Psychiatry 15

Teng, Wenqiang, Hui Zhi, Rui Wang & Min Zhou
“Feeling the Pain of Others”: Examining the Framing Effects of Cancer Metaphors on Media Vicarious Traumatization.
Health Communication ► pp. 1 ff.

Bodd, Monica H., Nikki C. Daniels, Hermioni L. Amonoo, Tyler Tate, Kris W. Herring & Thomas W. LeBlanc
“More than conquerors”: a qualitative analysis of war metaphors for patients with cancer.
Supportive Care in Cancer 31:1

Brookes, Gavin
Killer, Thief or Companion? A Corpus-Based Study of Dementia Metaphors in UK Tabloids.
Metaphor and Symbol 38:3
► pp. 213 ff.

Declercq, Jana & Lotte van Poppel
Coding Metaphors in Interaction: A Study Protocol and Reflection on Validity and Reliability Challenges.
International Journal of Qualitative Methods 22

Kinloch, Karen
“My Husband Struggled in His Own Way”: The Construction of Masculinities in Cis-Het Female Infertility Blogs. In
Masculinities and Discourses of Men's Health [
Palgrave Studies in Language, Gender and Sexuality, ],
► pp. 129 ff.

Lawson, Robert, Ursula Lutzky, Andrew Kehoe & Matt Gee
“Sorry to hear you're going through a difficult time”: Investigating online discussions of consumer debt.
Applied Corpus Linguistics 3:2
► pp. 100056 ff.

Penry Williams, Cara & Tonya N. Stebbins
A common language and shared understanding of family violence? Corpus-based approaches in support of system responses to family violence.
Corpora 18:1
► pp. 65 ff.

Zhang, Xin & Yijin Wu
Metaphors in blogs posted by Chinese lung cancer survivors.
Heliyon 9:10
► pp. e20414 ff.

Abaalalaa, Hessah Shajaan & Wesam M. A. Ibrahim
Metaphors of cancer in the Arabic language: An analysis of the use of metaphors in the online narratives of breast cancer patients.
Open Linguistics 8:1
► pp. 27 ff.

Alduais, Ahmed, Ammar Al-Khawlani, Shrouq Almaghlouth & Hind Alfadda
Cognitive Linguistics: Analysis of Mapping Knowledge Domains.
Journal of Intelligence 10:4
► pp. 93 ff.

Deng, Yu, Jixue Yang, Li Wang & Yaokai Chen
The Road Less Traveled: How COVID-19 Patients Use Metaphors to Frame Their Lived Experiences.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19:23
► pp. 15979 ff.

Diniz, Eva, Paula Castro & Sónia F. Bernardes
(De)humanizing Metaphors of People in Pain and Their Association with the Perceived Quality of nurse-patient Relationship.
Metaphor and Symbol 37:4
► pp. 337 ff.

Kazazi, Ledia
The Metaphorical Representation of the Covid-19 Pandemic in the Albanian Public Discourse. In
Concepts, Discourses, and Translations [
Second Language Learning and Teaching, ],
► pp. 67 ff.

Wackers, Dunja Y. M. & H. José Plug
Countering Undesirable Implications of Violence Metaphors for Cancer through Metaphor Extension.
Metaphor and Symbol 37:1
► pp. 55 ff.

Bailey, Annika, Tom Dening & Kevin Harvey
Battles and breakthroughs: representations of dementia in the British press.
Ageing and Society 41:2
► pp. 362 ff.

Cotter, Colleen, Danniella Samos & Deborah Swinglehurst
Framing obesity in public discourse: Representation through metaphor across text type.
Journal of Pragmatics 174
► pp. 14 ff.

Ho, Janet
Heroes or criminals: discursive representation of cancer patients in health awareness advertisements.
Visual Communication 20:2
► pp. 159 ff.

Hunt, Daniel
Corpus Linguistics: Examining Tensions in General Practitioners’ Views About Diagnosing and Treating Depression. In
Analysing Health Communication,
► pp. 133 ff.

Kinloch, Karen & Sylvia Jaworska
‘Your mind is part of your body’: Negotiating the maternal body in online stories of postnatal depression on Mumsnet.
Discourse, Context & Media 39
► pp. 100456 ff.

Knapton, Olivia, Alice Power & Gabriella Rundblad
Cognitive Approaches to Discourse Analysis: Applying Conceptual Blending Theory to Understandings of Disease Transmission. In
Analysing Health Communication,
► pp. 301 ff.

Rasweswe, Melitah Molatelo, Mmapheko Doriccah Peu & Fhumulani Mavis Mulaudzi
The indigenous meaning of dysmenorrhea: using modified photovoice to document perspectives of traditional health practitioners (THPs) and indigenous knowledge holders (IKHs).
F1000Research 10
► pp. 672 ff.

Rasweswe, Melitah Molatelo, Mmapheko Doriccah Peu & Fhumulani Mavis Mulaudzi
The indigenous meaning of dysmenorrhea: using modified photovoice to document perspectives of traditional health practitioners (THPs) and indigenous knowledge holders (IKHs).
F1000Research 10
► pp. 672 ff.

Wackers, Dunja Y.M., H. José Plug & Gerard J. Steen
“For crying out loud, don't call me a warrior”: Standpoints of resistance against violence metaphors for cancer.
Journal of Pragmatics 174
► pp. 68 ff.

Demjén, Zsófia & Elena Semino
Communicating Nuanced Results in Language Consultancy: The Case of Cancer and the Violence Metaphor. In
Professional Communication [
Communicating in Professions and Organizations, ],
► pp. 191 ff.

Koller, Veronika
Book Review: Clare Anderson, Discourses of Ageing and Gender: The Impact of Public and Private Voices on the Identity of Ageing Women.
Discourse & Communication 14:1
► pp. 104 ff.

López Maestre, María D.
Gender, Ideology and Conceptual Metaphors: Women and the Source Domain of the Hunt.
Complutense Journal of English Studies 28
► pp. 203 ff.

Saneie Moghadam, Maryam & Reza Ghafar Samar
Metaphor in second language academic writing.
Language Awareness 29:3-4
► pp. 255 ff.

Saneie Moghadam, Maryam & Reza Ghafar Samar
Scarpa, Federica
Introducing Specialised Translation. In
Research and Professional Practice in Specialised Translation,
► pp. 1 ff.

Wackers, Dunja Y. M., H. José Plug & Gerard J. Steen
Weetman, Katharine, Jeremy Dale, Emma Scott & Stephanie Schnurr
Adult patient perspectives on receiving hospital discharge letters: a corpus analysis of patient interviews.
BMC Health Services Research 20:1

Weetman, Katharine, Jeremy Dale, Rachel Spencer, Emma Scott & Stephanie Schnurr
GP perspectives on hospital discharge letters: an interview and focus group study.
BJGP Open 4:2
► pp. bjgpopen20X101031 ff.

Augé, Anaïs
How Metaphor Scenarios can Reveal Socio-cultural and Linguistic Variations of Meaning: A Cross-linguistic Perspective on the “NURTURING PARENT” and the “STRICT FATHER” Frames.
Metaphor and Symbol 34:4
► pp. 209 ff.

Biber, Douglas & Susan Conrad
Register, Genre, and Style,

Are we Ready for a “Microbiome-Guided Behaviour” Approach?.
Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 28:04
► pp. 708 ff.

Macagno, Fabrizio & Maria Grazia Rossi
Metaphors and problematic understanding in chronic care communication.
Journal of Pragmatics 151
► pp. 103 ff.

Sanchez-Davies, Jennifer
Epilepsy and identity: a linguistic analysis of seizure label semantics.
Journal of Communication in Healthcare 12:1
► pp. 54 ff.

Brookes, Gavin, Kevin Harvey, Neil Chadborn & Tom Dening
“Our biggest killer”: multimodal discourse representations of dementia in the British press.
Social Semiotics 28:3
► pp. 371 ff.

Chircop, Daren & Josianne Scerri
The use of metaphors in non‐Hodgkin's lymphoma patients undergoing chemotherapy.
Journal of Advanced Nursing 74:11
► pp. 2622 ff.

Cross-linguistic automated detection of metaphors for poverty and cancer.
Language and Cognition 10:3
► pp. 467 ff.

Gameiro, Sofia, Berit Bliesemann de Guevara, Elisabeth El Refaie, Alida Payson & Nicola J. Mackintosh
DrawingOut – An innovative drawing workshop method to support the generation and dissemination of research findings.
► pp. e0203197 ff.

Hendricks, Rose K., Zsófia Demjén, Elena Semino & Lera Boroditsky
Emotional Implications of Metaphor: Consequences of Metaphor Framing for Mindset about Cancer.
Metaphor and Symbol 33:4
► pp. 267 ff.

Incelli, Ersilia
Popularising the Higgs boson: a corpus-assisted approach to reporting scientific discovery in online media.
Corpora 13:2
► pp. 169 ff.

Jaworska, Sylvia & Christiana Themistocleous
Public discourses on multilingualism in the UK: Triangulating a corpus study with a sociolinguistic attitude survey.
Language in Society 47:1
► pp. 57 ff.

Knapton, Olivia & Gabriella Rundblad
Metaphor, discourse dynamics and register: applications to written descriptions of mental health problems
Text & Talk 38:3
► pp. 389 ff.

Mackey, Alison & Lara Bryfonski
Mixed Methodology. In
The Palgrave Handbook of Applied Linguistics Research Methodology,
► pp. 103 ff.

Paulus, Trena M. & Katherine R. Roberts
Crowdfunding a “Real-life Superhero”: The construction of worthy bodies in medical campaign narratives ,.
Discourse, Context & Media 21
► pp. 64 ff.

Shapiro, Johanna
“Violence” in medicine: necessary and unnecessary, intentional and unintentional.
Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 13:1

Hart, Christopher
Metaphor and intertextuality in media framings of the (1984–1985) British Miners’ Strike: A multimodal analysis.
Discourse & Communication 11:1
► pp. 3 ff.

Jaworska, Sylvia
Metaphors We Travel by: A Corpus-Assisted Study of Metaphors in Promotional Tourism Discourse.
Metaphor and Symbol 32:3
► pp. 161 ff.

Potts, Amanda & Elena Semino
Healthcare professionals' online use of violence metaphors for care at the end of life in the US: a corpus-based comparison with the UK.
Corpora 12:1
► pp. 55 ff.

Lederer, Jenny
Lexico-grammatical alignment in metaphor construal.
Cognitive Linguistics 30:1
► pp. 165 ff.

Montoro, Rocío
The year’s work in stylistics 2015.
Language and Literature: International Journal of Stylistics 25:4
► pp. 376 ff.

An Integrated Approach to Metaphor and Framing in Cognition, Discourse, and Practice, with an Application to Metaphors for Cancer.
Applied Linguistics ► pp. amw028 ff.

Tabbert, Ulrike
Deixis and metaphor. In
Language and Crime,
► pp. 157 ff.

This list is based on CrossRef data as of 6 january 2025. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers.
Any errors therein should be reported to them.