When loanwords are not lone words
Using networks and hypergraphs to explore Māori loanwords in New Zealand English
Networks are being used to model an increasingly diverse range of real-world phenomena. This paper introduces an exploratory approach to studying loanwords in relation to one another, using networks of co-occurrence. While traditional studies treat individual loanwords as discrete items, we show that insights can be gained by focusing on the various loanwords that co-occur within each text in a corpus, especially when leveraging the notion of a hypergraph. Our research involves a case-study of New Zealand English (NZE), which borrows Indigenous Māori words on a large scale. We use a topic-constrained corpus to show that: (i) Māori loanword types tend not to occur by themselves in a text; (ii) infrequent loanwords are nearly always accompanied by frequent loanwords; and (iii) it is not uncommon for texts to contain a mixture of listed and unlisted loanwords, suggesting that NZE is still riding a wave of borrowing importation from Māori.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Background
- 2.1Entrenchment: What to count, how to count it and what it can tell us
- 2.2Māori loanwords in New Zealand English
- 3.Methodology
- 3.1Overview of the Matariki Corpus
- 3.2Loanword selection process
- 3.3Computing loan co-occurrence
- 3.4Linguistic properties
- 3.5Overview of loans by frequency
- 4.Findings
- 4.1Distribution of loan types
- 4.2Standard network analysis: Pairwise loan co-occurrence
- 4.3Hypergraph analysis: Preserving sets of loans
- 5.Discussion
- 6.Conclusions
- Acknowledgements
- Notes
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