We investigate the cross-linguistic influence and the (longitudinal) impact of Content and Language Integrated
Learning (CLIL) on the acquisition of intensifying constructions, using corpora of written French, Dutch, and English productions
by L1 speakers, and L2 English and L2 Dutch produced by French-speaking learners in CLIL and traditional foreign language
education. We hypothesize that learners will benefit from similarities between the L1 and target language (TL) intensifying
constructions, and secondly, that more input and use (through CLIL) will lead to a more target-like use of intensifying
constructions. The analyses include quantitative measures of frequency and productivity, and covarying analyses (Gries, 2007). Our findings suggest that, as expected, CLIL students produce intensifying
constructions in a more target-like manner. The effect of the duration of TL learning, however, is more apparent in English than
in Dutch.
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Cited by seven other publications
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2024. Dialect separation and cross-dialectal influence: a study on the grammatical gender of Oromo. Linguistics 62:6 ► pp. 1543 ff.
Bulon, Amélie & Fanny Meunier
2023. Comparing CLIL and non-CLIL learners’ phrasicon in L2 Dutch: the (expected) winner does not take it all. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 26:5 ► pp. 590 ff.
Meunier, Fanny, Isa Hendrikx, Amélie Bulon, Kristel Van Goethem & Hubert Naets
2023. MulTINCo: multilingual traditional immersion and native corpus. Better-documented multiliteracy practices for more refined SLA studies. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 26:5 ► pp. 572 ff.
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