Part of
Spanish in Contact: Policy, Social and Linguistic Inquiries
Edited by Kim Potowski and Richard Cameron
[IMPACT: Studies in Language, Culture and Society 22] 2007
► pp. 322
Cited by (8)

Cited by eight other publications

De Anda, Stephanie, Lauren M. Cycyk, Lillian Durán, Gina Biancarosa & Laura Lee McIntyre
2023. Sentence Diversity in Spanish–English Bilingual Toddlers. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology 32:2  pp. 576 ff. DOI logo
Román, Diego, Alberto Pastor & Deni Basaraba
2019. Internal linguistic discrimination: A survey of bilingual teachers’ language attitudes toward their heritage students’ Spanish. Bilingual Research Journal 42:1  pp. 6 ff. DOI logo
Potowski, Kim
2016. Bilingual Youth: Spanish‐speakers at the Beginning of the 21st Century. Language and Linguistics Compass 10:6  pp. 272 ff. DOI logo
Shin, Naomi Lapidus & Helen Smith Cairns
2012. The Development of NP Selection in School-Age Children: Reference and Spanish Subject Pronouns. Language Acquisition 19:1  pp. 3 ff. DOI logo
Silva‐Corvalán, Carmen
2012. Acquisition of Spanish in Bilingual Contexts. In The Handbook of Hispanic Linguistics,  pp. 783 ff. DOI logo
Ortiz López, Luis A.
2011. Spanish in Contact with Haitian Creole. In The Handbook of Hispanic Sociolinguistics,  pp. 418 ff. DOI logo
Cameron, Richard
2010. Growing up and apart: Gender divergences in a Chicagoland elementary school. Language Variation and Change 22:2  pp. 279 ff. DOI logo
2008. The acquisition ofser,estar(andbe) by a Spanish–English bilingual child: The early stages. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 11:3  pp. 341 ff. DOI logo

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