Chapter 2
How less means more in the comments section of vegan food
Exgredients such as gluten-free and extreme
case formulations
Recipes in (vegan) food blogs are often advertised as not
having certain ingredients such as gluten or refined sugar. In the
comments sections of posts topicalising such exgredients
(linguistically, no-X constructions like soy-free
or no nuts), extreme case formulations (e.g.
always or entirely) are
employed to (a) construct the urgency of a request for an
alternative, (b) index the liability and safety of a suggestion for
an alternative as expert advice, (c) construct alternatives as rare
and precious finds to share with the community, and (d) compliment
the blogger.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Literature review
- 2.1Dietary lifestyles
- 2.2Food genres: Recipes and blogs
- 2.3Exgredients: The use of ‘no-X’ constructions in food blogs’ recipe
- 2.4Extreme case formulations
- 3.The data
- 4.The ‘no-X’ construction in the comments section of food
blogs: Extreme case formulations
- 4.1Non-rhetoric extreme case formulations
- 4.2Constructing the urgency of the request for an
- 4.3Indexing the liability and safety of a suggestion for an
alternative as expert advice
- 4.4Constructing alternative ways as rare and precious finds to
share with the community
- 4.5Complimenting the blogger
- 5.Discussion and conclusion