Enets-Russian language contact
This paper explores the topic of Enets-Russian language
contact from two perspectives: via a thorough description of sociolinguistic
details of the contact (based on sociolinguistic interviews performed by the
author in 2017, complemented by ethnographic data from the 1920s–1940s)
and via an overview of its linguistic consequences for the lexicon,
phonology, syntax, and discourse structures of Enets (based on an extensive
corpus of Enets speech). All consecutive stages of Enets-Russian interaction
are described: very limited contacts with Russian (before the end of the
1930s), start of the russification campaign (1940s–1950s), a transitional period (1960s), and the victory of Russian (from the 1970s onwards). Then
all known instances of linguistic traces of this interaction for Enets are
summarized. They represent both instances of negative borrowing (loss of
phonotactic restrictions in phonology, reduced frequency of complex
structures in subordination) and positive borrowing (loanwords, new
phonemes, reduction as added phonetic realizations of some vowel phonemes,
clause-combining strategies involving Russian conjunctions). Overall, the
linguistic changes that Enets has undergone under the influence of Russian
are not numerous, in particular if the lexicon is set aside, and this is
explained by the very limited duration of the transition period, when both
languages were in active use by the same individuals.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 1.1Language and its speakers
- 1.2Data and methods
- 2.Sociolinguistic details of the Enets-Russian language contact
- 2.1Before the end of the 1930s: Very limited contacts with Russian
- 2.2The 1940s–1950s: Start of the russification campaign
- 2.3The 1960s: The transition period
- 2.4The 1970s: The victory of Russian
- 2.5Summarizing the history of the Enets-Russian language contact
- 3.Linguistic traces of Enets-Russian contact in Enets
- 3.1Lexicon
- 3.1.1Old vs. recent loanwords
- 3.1.2Content vs. functional loanwords
- 3.2Phonetics and phonology
- 3.3Syntax
- 3.4Discourse
- 4.Conclusion
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► pp. 1059 ff.
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