Video relay interpreting (VRI) enables communication between a signed language user, remotely connected to an interpreter by
videophone, and an interlocutor in spoken contact with the interpreter by telephone. Both users of the service are physically
separated from each other and from the interpreter, who is in a studio. Essential technical components of the system include such
items as videophones, telephones, computers, software, and a headset. This article explores how the interpreter orients towards
the headset, turning it into an interactional resource. Examples of how this is done are identified in extracts from a corpus of
VRI conversations between users of Swedish Sign Language (SSL) and spoken Swedish. Ethical approval and all participants’ consent
were obtained. Three practices were identified: pointing towards the headset, orienting towards it in other ways (positioning,
gesturing, direction of gaze), and holding it. All these practices have concrete pragmatic implications for the various steps in
communication, such as establishing reference, repairs, and turn allocation. Enhancing VRI interpreters’ awareness of how
equipment like a headset helps to organize the interaction is important, with a view to ensuring that the available technology is
used to best effect for purposes of communication.
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