Admission testing for conference interpreter training programmes traditionally focuses on skills directly related to the interpreting skills, and while soft skills, such as motivation, are recognised as important, they are not systematically tested or researched. The present study attempts to address this gap by exploring three traits and abilities, namely learning styles, motivation and cognitive flexibility, and to relate them to students’ self-selection for interpreting and to their success on final exams. Three tests were used to compare a group of self-selected interpreting students and applicants (n = 32) and a subgroup of conference interpreting students (n = 14) to a control group of undergraduate students (n = 104), from among whom the majority of Lessius University College interpreting students are recruited: the Inventory of Learning Styles (Vermunt & Rijswijk 1987), the Achievement Motivation Test (Hermans 1968/2004) and the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (Grant & Berg 1948). The results show that self-selected interpreting students are cognitively more flexible and are less negatively affected by anxiety. Compared to the control group, successful conference interpreting students, but not unsuccessful students, are cognitively more flexible and benefit more from some level of anxiety. Moreover, all conference interpreting students are less affected by stress than the control group and seem to have more clearly developed learning preferences.
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Song, Shuxian & Dechao Li
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2023. Exploring individual differences in the prediction of awareness and improvement in trainee interpreters: an aptitude-treatment interaction approach. The Interpreter and Translator Trainer 17:1 ► pp. 133 ff.
Cui, Ying, Wenfeng Jia, Suhua Wang & Tianyun Li
2022. Chinese interpreting students’ learning motivation and performance in the Covid-19 context: a quasi-experimental study. SN Social Sciences 2:8
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2022. A dynamic approach to understanding motivation in an interpreting course. Language Sciences 92 ► pp. 101472 ff.
2023. Discourse-based recall, language anxiety and achievement motive: revisiting interpreting aptitude testing in the Chinese context. The Interpreter and Translator Trainer 17:1 ► pp. 54 ff.
Melicherčíková, Miroslava
2022. Motivácia profesionálnych tlmočníkov a študentov/absolventov: podobnosti a rozdiely. Nová filologická revue 14:1 ► pp. 58 ff.
Melicherčíková, Miroslava
2023. Úzkosť a úzkostlivosť študentov, absolventov a profesionálnych tlmočníkov. Nová filologická revue 14:2 ► pp. 14 ff.
Xing, Xing & Hua Zeng
2022. Exploring the effects of personality hardiness on interpreters' performance with interpreting anxiety as a mediator: An explanatory sequential mixed-methods study. Across Languages and Cultures 23:2 ► pp. 187 ff.
Zhu, Xuelian & Vahid Aryadoust
2022. A Synthetic Review of Cognitive Load in Distance Interpreting: Toward an Explanatory Model. Frontiers in Psychology 13
Rojo López, Ana M., Ana-Isabel Foulquié-Rubio, Laura Espín López & Francisco Martínez Sánchez
2021. Analysis of speech rhythm and heart rate as indicators of stress on student interpreters. Perspectives 29:4 ► pp. 591 ff.
Song, Yu & Jan D. Vermunt
2021. A comparative study of learning patterns of secondary school, high school and college students. Studies in Educational Evaluation 68 ► pp. 100958 ff.
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2020. Modeling Different Variables in Learning Basic Concepts of Programming in Flipped Classrooms. Journal of Educational Computing Research 58:1 ► pp. 160 ff.
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2018. Towards a typology of pedagogy-oriented translation and interpreting research. The Interpreter and Translator Trainer 12:3 ► pp. 322 ff.
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2018. Predictors of problem-solving in translation: implications for translator training. The Interpreter and Translator Trainer 12:3 ► pp. 282 ff.
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2014. Testing aptitude for interpreting. Interpreting. International Journal of Research and Practice in Interpreting 16:1 ► pp. 1 ff.
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