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Cited by (9)
Cited by nine other publications
de Weck, Geneviève, Rouba Hassan, Julien Heurdier, Janina Klein & Nathalie Salagnac
2004. Talk and Interaction Among Children and the Co-Construction of Peer Groups and Peer Culture. Annual Review of Anthropology 33:1 ► pp. 625 ff.
Phyllis Perrin Wilcox
2004. A cognitive key: Metonymic and metaphorical mappings in ASL. cogl 15:2 ► pp. 197 ff.
Cook, Haruko Minegishi
1996. Japanese language socialization: Indexing the modes of self. Discourse Processes 22:2 ► pp. 171 ff.
Ervin-Tripp, Susan
1994. Impact du cadre interactionnel sur les acquisitions en syntaxe. Acquisition et interaction en langue étrangère :4 ► pp. 53 ff.
Sprott, Richard A.
1992. Children's use of discourse markers in disputes: Form‐function relations and discourse in child language. Discourse Processes 15:4 ► pp. 423 ff.
Gerhardt, Julie
1991. The meaning and use of the modals HAFTA, NEEDTA and WANNA in children's speech. Journal of Pragmatics 16:6 ► pp. 531 ff.
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