Article published In:
What Influences Influence? How the Communicative Situation Influences Persuasion
Edited by Kerstin Fischer and Jaap Ham
[Interaction Studies 22:3] 2021
► pp. 416463
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2023. Self‐Repair Increases Referential Coordination. Cognitive Science 47:8 DOI logo
Mills, Gregory & Remko Boschker
2022. Using Virtual Reality to Investigate the Emergence of Gaze Conventions in Interpersonal Coordination. In HCI International 2022 – Late Breaking Posters [Communications in Computer and Information Science, 1654],  pp. 564 ff. DOI logo
Mills, Gregory & Remko Boschker
2023. Using Virtual Reality to Investigate the Emergence of Gaze Conventions in Interpersonal Coordination. In Human-Computer Interaction – INTERACT 2023 [Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 14145],  pp. 580 ff. DOI logo

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