Interacting with an embodied interface
Effects of embodied agent and voice command on smart TV interface
Despite their potential for facilitating interaction between a user and computer, an embodied agent and voice command have
not been examined enough for their matching effects. The current study proposes that an embodied agent and voice command generate positive
evaluative outcomes, particularly when they are accompanied by each other. To test this prediction, we conducted a 2 (visual output:
embodied agent vs. geometric figure) × 2 (input modality: voice command vs. remote controller)
between-subjects experiment (N = 52), and examined whether visual output and input modality jointly influence participants’
social attribution (i.e., anthropomorphism, animacy, likability, and perceived intelligence), social presence, and satisfaction. Results
show that voice command does facilitate users’ social attribution and social presence, but only when an embodied agent was presented. Also,
the effects of voice command on social presence and satisfaction were mediated by anthropomorphism and perceived intelligence respectively,
but only when the interface displayed an embodied agent. The present study evidences the holistic nature of human-computer interaction,
revealing the importance of matches in the input and output interface.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Literature review
- 2.1Effects of embodied agents on a computer interface
- 2.2Input modality of a smart TV
- 2.3Contingent effect of visual output and input modality
- 3.Method
- 3.1Design and participants
- 3.2Procedure
- 3.3Material
- 3.4Manipulation
- 3.5Measures
- Attribution of social characters
- Social presence
- Satisfaction
- 4.Results
- 4.1Effects on social attribution
- 4.2Effects on social presence and satisfaction
- 4.3Conditional indirect effect of input modality
- 5.Discussion
- 5.1Summary of findings
- 5.2Implications
- 5.3Limitations and directions for further research
- Disclosure statement