Attitudes Towards Received Pronunciation (RP) Among Nigerian Undergraduates
Using undergraduates in two Nigerian Universities, namely the University of Ilorin and the University of Jos, we have examined attitudes towards Received Pronunciation (RP). Employing the multivariate theoretical trend, based on the social psychological approach as explicated by BAKER (1992), we have examined the extent of influence by instrumental, integrative and nationalistic judgements on those attitudes held toward RP by the undergraduates. The methodological devices used were the questionnaire, matched guise, and observation. Employing the chi-square statistical measure at an alpha critical value of <.05, the instrumental judgement was found to exert greater influence on the favourable attitudes expressed toward RP by the sampled undergraduates. This result seems to bear significant implications on the future of RP in Nigeria. RP is likely to linger on in Nigeria, playing both personal, sociolinguistic and educational roles.
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