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sophisticated enterprise enacted by many devoted fans. This study presents the case of Miree, a 24-year-old fandubber with more than 1 million subscribers on YouTube and more than 300 multilingual fandubbed songs. Using a
qualitative-interpretive approach, we conducted an in-depth interview with Miree and analyzed her top 30 videos by views to reveal
how Miree performed fandubbing, how she expressed her fan identity through fandubbing, and which were some of the implications of
fandubbing for language learning. Results show that Miree realized both interlinguistic genuine fandubbing and
intralinguistic parodic fandubbing, strategically adopting translanguaging to orchestrate a multimodal
performance, engage her fanbase, and activate several informal language learning opportunities and contexts afforded by
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2024. Cyberdubbing and Language Variation. In The Palgrave Handbook of Multilingualism and Language Varieties on Screen, ► pp. 217 ff.
Baños, Rocío & Jorge Díaz-Cintas
2024. Exploring new forms of audiovisual translation in the age of digital media: cybersubtitling and cyberdubbing. The Translator 30:1 ► pp. 129 ff.
Shafirova, Liudmila & Maria Helena Araújo e Sá
2024. Multilingual encounters in online video practices: the case of Portuguese university students. International Journal of Multilingualism 21:3 ► pp. 1680 ff.
Zhang, Leticia-Tian
2024. From subculture to mainstream: Nostalgia, criticism and negotiation in a fan community. Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies
Zhang, Leticia-Tian & Boris Vazquez-Calvo
2024. Fan Translation and Multilingualism. In The Palgrave Handbook of Multilingualism and Language Varieties on Screen, ► pp. 197 ff.
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2023. Informal learning of Spanish in a Chinese music fan community. El Profesional de la información
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