G. White, “The subject specialist and the ESP teacher”, pp. 9–14.
J. Holmes, “Using authentic materials in an authentic way”, pp. 22–33.
S. Sheerin, “Some difficulties, real and imagined, in conducting medical case conferences in the teaching of doctor/doctor language”, pp. 34–44.
G. Jones, “A study of ESP in action : some preliminary findings”, pp. 15–21.
J. Seath, “ESP for the pre-intermediate student”, pp. 56–63.
P. Jakes, “Adapting and developing a printed ESP dialogue”, pp. 64–70.
M. Dean, “Border post: a course in 'customs English'”, pp. 51–55.
S. Chandler, “Specific rather than specialized: a course for the Italian Air Force”, pp. 45–50.
J. Gibbon & J. Scott, “How to face inter-disciplinary groups”, pp. 71–74.