Bilingual Acquisition of L1 Punjabi and L2 English by Sandwell Primary School Children
D.M. Duncan | Metropolitan Borough of Sandwell Department of Education and Sandwell Health Authority
D.A. Gibbs | Metropolitan Borough of Sandwell Department of Education and Sandwell Health Authority
N.S. Noor | Metropolitan Borough of Sandwell Department of Education and Sandwell Health Authority
H.M. Whittaker | Metropolitan Borough of Sandwell Department of Education and Sandwell Health Authority
Diagnostic Expressive Language (Syntax) Tests of L1 Punjabi and L2 English were devised by a joint Health and Education Department team and administered to 99 Punjabi-speaking sub-jects after 5, 8 and 11 Terms of School in England. Their scores were analysed on a two-dimensional matrix by error analysis to form profiles of their behaviour in the two lanÂguages. Both L1 Punjabi and L2 English were seen to develop with age, the former showing a spurt between 8 and 11 Terms (7 1/2 to 8 1/2 years) and the latter reflecting a steady acquisition. Language 'transfer' of certain features where the formal and developmental axes of the two languages converge was seen to take place from English to Punjabi but not conÂversely
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Cited by (1)
Cited by one other publication
Wheldall, Kevin, Dorothy Gibbs, Deirdre Duncan & Surinder Saund
Assessing the receptive language development of you ng children from Panjabi-speaking homes: the Panjabi Bilingual Version of the Sentence Comprehension Test.
Child Language Teaching and Therapy 3:2
► pp. 170 ff.

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