Article published In:
Journal of Historical Linguistics: Online-First ArticlesEcuadorian Quechua and Quechuan classification
According to the traditional Quechuan classification which has dominated Andean historical linguistics since the
1960s, the Ecuadorian Quechua group (Andean Quichua, Amazonian Quichua, Colombian Ingano, and lower Pastaza Inga in Peru) belongs
to the “Quechua II” branch, supposedly including all northern and southern Quechuas, and to the “Quechua IIB” sub-branch, said to
also include the Chachapoyas-Lamas Quechua group and the “coastal” Quechua documented by Domingo de Santo Tomás in the mid-16th
century. This study evaluates the traditional classification of Ecuadorian Quechua and shows that it does not meet the basic
standards of subgrouping based on shared innovations. Special attention is given to the historical status of contrastive complex
stops, traditionally claimed to be an Aymara-influenced innovation in Cuzco Quechua, supposedly transferred to Ecuadorian Quechua
through “superstrate” influence; instead, it is demonstrated that these sounds have correspondences across the Quechuan family,
confirming them as retentions that are uninformative for classification. The study goes on to individually evaluate all proposed
criteria for the traditional classification of Ecuadorian Quechua, finding that none hold up as shared innovations, leading to the
conclusion that Ecuadorian Quechua is an independent branch of the Quechuan family. Historical records document how this branch
originated in Ecuador when Quechua was first introduced by the Incas, then was adopted by the Spanish as a colonial standard, and
then became fragmented into four modern languages, all within a period of about 500–600 years.
Keywords: Ecuadorian Quechua, Quichua\Kichwa, Inga, Ingano, Incas, historical classification, complex stops
Article outline
- 1.Introduction: Ecuadorian Quechua and the Quechuan family
- 1.1EQ in the traditional Quechua classification
- 1.2EQ and “pre-Inca Quechua”
- 1.3EQ in the historical record
- 1.4The Ecuadorian branch of Quechua
- 2.Complex stops: Innovation or retention in EQ?
- 2.1EQ complex stops as “superstrate”
- 2.2Complex stops in Ecuadorian highland Quichua
- 2.3Complex stop correspondence rates in Quechuan
- 3.Criteria for the classification of Ecuadorian Quechua
- 3.1The uvular > velar merger
- 3.2Postnasal voicing
- 3.3The issue of “vowel lowering”
- 3.4Genitive-dative syncretism
- 3.5Lexical issues
- 3.6Criteria for EQ as “Quechua II”
- 4.Conclusion
- Acknowledgements
- Notes
Published online: 26 August 2024
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