Functional expansions of temporal adverbs and discursive connectives
From Latin tum, tunc, dumque to Old Italian dunque
This paper examines the synchronic competition and diachronic substitution of three Latin temporal expressions:
tum, tunc (‘at that time’, ‘then’), and later dumque (originally, ‘while-and’), and its Old
Italian outcome dunque (‘then’). Besides providing a new path of development and a new etymology for Italian
dunque, we describe in detail the steps by which these forms gradually replaced one another and examine the
factors at play in their renewal, showing that such forms all display a similar inference-driven functional expansion from
propositional to discourse-organizational meanings. However, their subsequent development led to a functional similarity that is
only partial, as is often the case in semantic–pragmatic cycles. While discussing the nature of this cycle, we focus on the
speaker’s role in this type of change, which in our view can be summarized in the speaker’s cyclical application of recurrent
functional principles: phonetic efficiency, analogy, and regularity in semantic change.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.The first phase: Latin tum and tunc
- 2.1A brief account of tum and tunc
- 2.2From tum to tunc
- 3.The second phase: From tunc to dumque
- 4.Discussion and conclusion
- Acknowledgements
- Notes
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