This study examines an unexplored type of speech act named jian, which took place uniquely in the
context of ancient China. Taking it as a Power Threatening Act rather than a commonly studied Face Threatening Act, this study
examined remonstrators’ strategic modulation of their jian, and the factors that might have influenced the choice
of modulation strategies. The data come from Zizhi Tongjian. The major findings are as follows: first, the speech
act of jian contained both ritualised and non-ritualised aspects; second, remonstrators would adopt different
modulation strategies when performing jian, which can be generally divided into three modulation orientations of
redress, aggravation, and a combination of redress and aggravation, with different degrees of rituality; third, the choices of
modulation strategies reflected the game playing of the requirements of affiliational propriety and illocutionary effect within
the jian act.
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