Game localisation is an emerging field in Translation Studies that initially began attracting attention in the late 1990s, when the first studies analysing this new translation phenomenon were published by professionals working in the field. In the last decade, research on game localisation has gained impetus. Particularly, in recent years, the number of books, journal articles, book chapters, undergraduate, masters and doctoral dissertations aiming to shed light on this relatively young area of study have increased considerably. This paper examines existing research on game localisation, focusing on published papers (articles and book chapters) and books. It presents a diachronic view of game localisation research, describing the main topics and methods used, as well as the issue of research materials. Finally, it explores potential future research avenues and calls for reception studies, which are necessary to consolidate game localisation as an established research domain within Translation Studies.
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Davies, Hugh & Zhuying Li
2020. Travel Frog: Traversing cultural borders with mobile games. Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies 26:5-6 ► pp. 1194 ff.
Khoshsaligheh, Masood & Saeed Ameri
2020. Video game localisation in Iran: a survey of users’ profile, gaming habits and preferences. The Translator 26:2 ► pp. 190 ff.
Li, Longxing, Chu-Ren Huang & Vincent Xian Wang
2020. Lexical Competition and Change: A Corpus-Assisted Investigation of Gambling and Gaming in the Past Centuries. Sage Open 10:3
2021. Localization of conceptual information in intercultural dialogue. Teaching languages at higher institutions :38
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