Article published In:
Journal of Immersion and Content-Based Language Education
Vol. 1:2 (2013) ► pp.169197
Cited by (79)

Cited by 79 other publications

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Fuster, Carles
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Davis, Stephen
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Wang, Tiange & Jin Sook Lee
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Quevillon Lacasse1, Claude
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Savage, Robert & Adriana Pace
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Thibeault, Joël & Ian A. Matheson
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2022. Fostering Cultural Awareness Through Storytelling at a Multilingual Primary School. In Research Anthology on Bilingual and Multilingual Education,  pp. 1004 ff. DOI logo
Lyster, Roy & Fred Genesee
2019. Immersion Education. In The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics,  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Cammarata, Laurent, Martine Cavanagh, Sylvie Blain & Cécile Sabatier
2018. Enseigner en immersion française au Canada : synthèse des connaissances sur les défis et leurs implications pour la formation des enseignants. The Canadian Modern Language Review 74:1  pp. 101 ff. DOI logo
Siegel, Jacob S.
2018. Language, Language Planning, and U.S. Public Policy. In Demographic and Socioeconomic Basis of Ethnolinguistics,  pp. 625 ff. DOI logo
Tedick, Diane J. & Caleb Zilmer
2018. Teacher perceptions of immersion professional development experiences emphasizing language-focused content instruction. Journal of Immersion and Content-Based Language Education 6:2  pp. 269 ff. DOI logo
Tedick, Diane J. & Caleb Zilmer
2020. Teacher perceptions of immersion professional development experiences emphasizing language-focused content instruction. In Teacher Development for Immersion and Content-Based Instruction [Benjamins Current Topics, 110],  pp. 119 ff. DOI logo
Ballinger, Susan, Roy Lyster, Andrea Sterzuk & Fred Genesee
2017. Context-appropriate crosslinguistic pedagogy. Journal of Immersion and Content-Based Language Education 5:1  pp. 30 ff. DOI logo
Cenoz, Jasone
2017. Translanguaging in School Contexts: International Perspectives. Journal of Language, Identity & Education 16:4  pp. 193 ff. DOI logo
Gorter, Durk & Jasone Cenoz
2017. Language education policy and multilingual assessment. Language and Education 31:3  pp. 231 ff. DOI logo
Lasagabaster, David
2017.  “I always speak English in my classes”. In Applied Linguistics Perspectives on CLIL [Language Learning & Language Teaching, 47],  pp. 251 ff. DOI logo
Leonet, Oihana, Jasone Cenoz & Durk Gorter
2017. Challenging Minority Language Isolation: Translanguaging in a Trilingual School in the Basque Country. Journal of Language, Identity & Education 16:4  pp. 216 ff. DOI logo
Leonet, Oihana, Jasone Cenoz & Durk Gorter
2020. Developing morphological awareness across languages: translanguaging pedagogies in third language acquisition. Language Awareness 29:1  pp. 41 ff. DOI logo
Gunning, Pamela, Joanna White & Christine Busque
2016. Raising learners' awareness through L1–L2 teacher collaboration. Language Awareness 25:1-2  pp. 72 ff. DOI logo
Hancock, Andy
2016. Commentary on ‘Practices’. In Quadrilingual Education in Singapore [Education Innovation Series, ],  pp. 219 ff. DOI logo
Whittle, Anna & Roy Lyster
2016. Focus on Italian Verbal Morphology in Multilingual Classes. Language Learning 66:1  pp. 31 ff. DOI logo
Arocena Egaña, Elizabet, Jasone Cenoz & Durk Gorter
2015. Teachers’ beliefs in multilingual education in the Basque country and in Friesland. Journal of Immersion and Content-Based Language Education  pp. 169 ff. DOI logo
Cenoz, Jasone & Durk Gorter
2015. Translanguaging as a Pedagogical Tool in Multilingual Education. In Language Awareness and Multilingualism,  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Cenoz, Jasone & Durk Gorter
2017. Minority languages and sustainable translanguaging: threat or opportunity?. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 38:10  pp. 901 ff. DOI logo
Cenoz, Jasone & Durk Gorter
2017. Translanguaging as a Pedagogical Tool in Multilingual Education. In Language Awareness and Multilingualism,  pp. 309 ff. DOI logo
Cenoz, Jasone & Durk Gorter
2020. Pedagogical translanguaging: An introduction. System 92  pp. 102269 ff. DOI logo
Cenoz, Jasone & Durk Gorter
2020. Teaching English through pedagogical translanguaging. World Englishes 39:2  pp. 300 ff. DOI logo
Cenoz, Jasone & Durk Gorter
2022. Pedagogical Translanguaging and Its Application to Language Classes. RELC Journal 53:2  pp. 342 ff. DOI logo
Cenoz, Jasone & Durk Gorter
2022. Pedagogical Translanguaging, DOI logo
Cenoz, Jasone & Durk Gorter
2023. Multilingualism at school and multilingual education. In International Encyclopedia of Education(Fourth Edition),  pp. 188 ff. DOI logo
2015. Oral Proficiency Assessment of English‐Proficient K–8 Spanish Immersion Students. The Modern Language Journal 99:4  pp. 637 ff. DOI logo
Hernández, Ana M.
2015. Language status in two-way bilingual immersion. Journal of Immersion and Content-Based Language Education 3:1  pp. 102 ff. DOI logo
Lin, Angel M.Y.
2015. Conceptualising the potential role of L1 in CLIL. Language, Culture and Curriculum 28:1  pp. 74 ff. DOI logo
Lyster, Roy
2015. Using form-focused tasks to integrate language across the immersion curriculum. System 54  pp. 4 ff. DOI logo
Lyster, Roy
2019. Making research on instructed SLA relevant for teachers through professional development. Language Teaching Research 23:4  pp. 494 ff. DOI logo
Lyster, Roy
2019. Translanguaging in Immersion: Cognitive Support or Social Prestige?. The Canadian Modern Language Review 75:4  pp. 340 ff. DOI logo
Tedick, Diane J. & Pamela M. Wesely
2015. A review of research on content-based foreign/second language education in US K-12 contexts. Language, Culture and Curriculum 28:1  pp. 25 ff. DOI logo
Cummins, Jim
2014. Beyond language: Academic communication and student success. Linguistics and Education 26  pp. 145 ff. DOI logo
Cummins, Jim
2014. Rethinking pedagogical assumptions in Canadian French immersion programs. Journal of Immersion and Content-Based Language Education 2:1  pp. 3 ff. DOI logo
Cummins, Jim
2014. To what extent are Canadian second language policies evidence-based? Reflections on the intersections of research and policy. Frontiers in Psychology 5 DOI logo
Cummins, Jim
2016. Teaching for Transfer in Multilingual School Contexts. In Bilingual and Multilingual Education,  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Cummins, Jim
2017. Teaching for Transfer in Multilingual School Contexts. In Bilingual and Multilingual Education,  pp. 103 ff. DOI logo
Cummins, Jim
2019. Multilingual literacies: opposing theoretical claims and pedagogical practices in the canadian context. Cahiers internationaux de sociolinguistique N° 16:2  pp. 75 ff. DOI logo
de Jong, Ester J.
2014. Program design and two-way immersion programs. Journal of Immersion and Content-Based Language Education 2:2  pp. 241 ff. DOI logo
Hopewell, Susan & Kathy Escamilla
2014. Biliteracy development in immersion contexts. Journal of Immersion and Content-Based Language Education 2:2  pp. 181 ff. DOI logo
Lyster, Roy & Diane J. Tedick
2014. Research perspectives on immersion pedagogy. Journal of Immersion and Content-Based Language Education 2:2  pp. 210 ff. DOI logo
Naqvi, Rahat, Elaine Schmidt & Marlene Krickhan
2014. Evolving 50–50% bilingual pedagogy in Alberta: what does the research say?. Frontiers in Psychology 5 DOI logo
Tedick, Diane J.
2014. Language immersion education. Journal of Immersion and Content-Based Language Education 2:2  pp. 155 ff. DOI logo
Tedick, Diane J.
2022. Looking back and looking forward. Journal of Immersion and Content-Based Language Education 10:2  pp. 400 ff. DOI logo

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