Phonological development in Spanish immersion
A comparison of programmatic context
Studies of lexical and syntactic development in immersion programs are numerous, yet phonological development has received
much less attention. This study compares the pronunciation of English home language students in one-way and two-way Spanish immersion
programs across three sound classes: voiceless stops, rhotics, and vowels. Learner productions were analyzed acoustically and compared to
those of Spanish-English bilingual peers. Findings suggest that the two-way immersion context may facilitate more nativelike articulation.
Amount of exposure to native speaker input, emerging adolescent identity, and decreases in instructional use of the minority language are
explored as contributing factors to the greater outcomes of two-way students.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Previous research
- 3.Methodology
- 3.1Participants
- 3.2Tasks
- 3.3Data analysis
- 4.Voiceless stop consonants
- 4.1Overview
- 4.2Analysis
- 4.3Results
- 5.Rhotics
- 5.1Overview
- 5.2Analysis
- 5.3Results
- 6.Vowels
- 6.1Overview
- 6.2Analysis
- 6.3Findings
- 7.Discussion
- 7.1Does the pronunciation of EHL students in a one-way Spanish immersion program differ from that of EHL students in a two-way Spanish immersion program as compared to SHL students in a two-way immersion program? If so, how?
- 7.2Does the pronunciation of English home language students in Spanish immersion programs change over time? If so, how?
- 8.Conclusions
- Notes
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