Intimacy matters
Uruguayan women’s refusal behavior in couples talk
This chapter analyzes conflict discourse between domestic partners/couples. The interactions, recorded in Rosario,
Uruguay, were part of a larger study on the refusal behavior of Uruguayan women in various spheres of life
(domains). From this corpus, 41 refusal sequences were extracted in which a female participant rejected or refused
her male partner in some respect (e.g. request, offer, suggestion). Refusal sequences found in couples talk
positively correlated with aggravating moves and the use of upgraders, and negatively with mitigating moves and the
use of downgraders. These results are discussed in terms of
(1988) Bulge theory of social distance.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Background
- 3.Key concepts and theoretical framework
- 4.Corpus and data collection
- 5.Data analysis
- 6.Results and discussion
- 6.1Refusal behavior in comparative perspective
- 6.2Refusal strategies
- 6.3Topics
- 7.Conclusions
- Note