Election campaigns represent a particular moment of political practice in democracies where political strategy and political
discourse become one activity. Campaigns take effect through the speeches of candidates communicated to the electorate. This
article analyses speeches of Nicolas Sarkozy’s presidential campaigns in 2007 and 2012. Based on text statistical methods
developed in French discourse analysis it examines his political position and his rhetorical techniques. In comparison to other
presidents of the Fifth Republic, Sarkozy’s discourse seems to be freed from typical party political positions. Whilst favouring
direct encounters with the audience and pretending to speak to the whole nation he is embodying a form of populism which bestows
his image of a charismatic leader.
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Truan, Naomi
2019. Talking about, for, and to the People: Populism and Representation in Parliamentary Debates on Europe. Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik 67:3 ► pp. 307 ff.
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