Conflicts and their discursive representations involve, apart from the spacio-temporal dimension, also the
socio-ideological and axiological positions. These prompt the desired emotional response from the audience in a form of
authorization for the intended action. All these dimensions are mainly construed by presenting series of assertions by creating
the dichotomy self-other and by triggering implicatures that contribute to the preferred interpretations of the presented
representations. This paper aims to examine the role of quotes and historical analogies triggered by quotes in discourse,
concretely, it focuses on the way the Ukrainian conflict is proximized in the US and the Czech political discourse, namely in the
parliamentary debates and governmental statements (November 2013–December 2014). The theoretical framework applied is the
proximization approach (Cap 2008, 2010,
2013, 2014, 2017) which is complemented by the studies that explore the pragmatic functions of quoting in
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