This paper explores how speakers manage the dilemmatic tension between competing demands for accountability in mundane explanations of humanitarian assistance in settings of armed conflict. Taking as analytic data talk recorded in interviews with the personnel of aid agencies and various non-governmental organizations (NGOs) who work in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT), we examine how demands for both non-partisan impartiality, on the one hand, and sympathetic alignment with the victims (or losing parties) of armed conflict, on the other, feature in the explanations that humanitarian aid workers formulate to account for their professional activities. While non-partisanship features as a source of legitimacy given that humanitarian assistance is regarded as a response to universal human suffering, the source of that suffering in armed conflict necessitates recognition of the antagonist-protagonist and victim relationship in order for aid recipients to be identified. Everyday accounts of aid work function to mitigate the otherwise mutually exclusive relationship between competing assumptions that inform the logic of humanitarian assistance.
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Cited by five other publications
O’Leary, Patrick, Aisha Hutchinson & Jason Squire
2015. Community-based child protection with Palestinian refugees in South Lebanon: Engendering hope and safety. International Social Work 58:5 ► pp. 717 ff.
McKenzie, Kevin
2011. Structure and Agency in Scholarly Formulations of Racism. Human Studies 34:1 ► pp. 67 ff.
McKenzie, Kevin
2016. Invoking the Specter of Racism: Category Membership as Speaker Topic and Resource. Qualitative Sociology Review 12:3 ► pp. 44 ff.
McKenzie, Kevin
2018. Structure and Agency in Peace Psychology: Temporality as Mediating Gesture Between Abstract and Concrete Intervention. In Discourse, Peace, and Conflict [Peace Psychology Book Series, ], ► pp. 261 ff.
McKenzie, Kevin
2022. Vicissitudes of laughter. Pragmatics. Quarterly Publication of the International Pragmatics Association (IPrA)► pp. 257 ff.
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