10th Anniversary Issue
Reflections on the Field of Language and Sexuality Studies
Special issue of Journal of Language and Sexuality 10:1 (2021)
[Journal of Language and Sexuality, 10:1] 2021. v, 96 pp.
Publishing status: Available
© John Benjamins Publishing Company
Table of Contents
Moving into the next ten yearsWilliam L. Leap | pp. 1–12
Queer linguistics and identity: The past decadeLucy Jones | pp. 13–24
Language and sexuality studies today: Why “homosexual” is a bad word and why “queer linguist” is not an identityHeiko Motschenbacher | pp. 25–36
Reflections on the Journal of Language and Sexuality and the view from JapanMie Hiramoto | pp. 37–47
Black female scholarship matters: A black female’s reflections on language and sexuality studiesBusi Makoni | pp. 48–58
An open letter to the editors of the Journal of Language and SexualityNikki Lane | pp. 59–62
“Ties that bind”: The continued conflation of sex, sexuality and genderLexi Webster | pp. 63–70
Nuance and normativity in trans linguistic researchLex Konnelly | pp. 71–82
Thickening language and sexuality studies: Multilingualism, race/ethnicity, and queernessHolly R. Cashman | pp. 83–92
Paul Baker & Giuseppe Balirano (eds). 2018. Queering Masculinities in Language and CultureReviewed by Ryan C. Redmond | pp. 93–96
Book review
Main BIC Subject
CFB: Sociolinguistics
Main BISAC Subject
LAN009000: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / General