This research reports on newspaper representations of PrEP, a HIV-prevention drug recently made available on a trial basis
to at-risk individuals in England. Using corpus-assisted queer critical discourse analysis, we investigate the linguistic representations of
the users of PrEP within three leading British newspapers from across the political spectrum between 2014–18. We find that users of PrEP are
most frequently positioned as ‘men who have sex with men’ or ‘gay men’, a representation that we argue limits public awareness of HIV
itself, and of available HIV prevention. Furthermore, while the most left-leaning newspaper in our corpus focuses on the human benefit of
PrEP, the most right-leaning newspaper takes a moralistic stance which frames gay men as risk-taking and therefore less deserving of
healthcare funding than other groups. We therefore argue that certain representations of PrEP’s beneficiaries are implicitly homophobic, and
that most representations are unhelpfully restrictive.
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