Lingua Franca between pidginization and koineization
Published literature on Lingua Franca contains divergent views regarding its place in the taxonomy of contact language types. While
this language is traditionally regarded as a pidgin, some scholars consider it more accurate to view it as a koine. This paper
shows that Lingua Franca exhibits features that are consistent with both pidginization and koineization, and proposes to view it
as located on the pidgin/koine continuum.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Historical background
- 2.1Periodization of LF and sources of the data
- 2.2Demographic information
- 3.Evidence of pidginization in LF
- 3.1Refunctionalization of the Romance infinitive in LF
- 3.1.1Data
- 3.1.2Discussion
- 3.2Refunctionalization of the Romance past participle in LF
- 3.2.1Data
- 3.2.2Discussion
- 3.3Loss of lexifiers’ functional elements and categories in LF
- 3.4Typological discontinuities between LF and its lexifiers
- 4.Evidence of koineization in LF
- 4.1LF lexicon and word formation
- 4.1.1Affixation
- 4.1.2Compounding
- 4.1.3Other multi-word lexemes
- 4.2LF verb classes
- 4.2.1Data
- 4.2.2Discussion
- 4.3LF copula (e)star
- 4.3.1Data
- 4.3.2Discussion
- 4.4LF personal pronouns
- 4.4.1Data
- 4.4.2Discussion
- 4.5Differential object marking in LF
- 4.5.1Data
- 4.5.2Discussion
- 4.6Typological continuity between LF and its lexifiers
- 5.LF between pidginization and koineization
- 5.1Formative processes
- 5.2The feature pool
- 5.3LF on the pidgin/koine continuum
- Acknowledgements
- Notes
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