Article published In:
Journal of Pidgin and Creole Languages: Online-First ArticlesPredicting the development of Papiamento and Dutch word decoding efficiency in the Dutch Caribbean
We investigated the development of word decoding (Grades 4–6; 165 children) in Papiamento (L1) and Dutch (L2) in
the postcolonial context of the Dutch Caribbean islands of Aruba, Bonaire, and Curaçao. The results show a steady development over
the upper Grades for both L1 Papiamento and L2 Dutch word decoding in that children became more efficient in word decoding over
the years. However, the children were generally better decoders in L2 Dutch than in L1 Papiamento. Moreover, the initial language
of decoding instruction did not matter for the development of word decoding. The groups were equally efficient in L1 and L2 word
decoding in Grades 4–6. Furthermore, rapid naming and phonological awareness predicted L1 word decoding development, whereas rapid
naming, phonological awareness, and working memory predicted L2 word decoding development. Finally, evidence was found for
linguistic interdependencies for word decoding development from L1 to L2 and vice versa.
Keywords: Bilingualism, Creole languages, Papiamento, Dutch, word decoding development, instruction language, cross-linguistic interdependencies
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 1.1Development of word decoding skills in the upper grades
- 1.2Word decoding in a second language in the upper grades
- 1.3Word decoding development in a postcolonial context
- 1.4The present study
- 2.Method
- 2.1Participants
- 2.2Materials
- 2.2.1Word decoding
- 2.2.2Basic vocabulary
- 2.2.3Phonological awareness
- 2.2.4Rapid naming
- 2.2.5Verbal working memory
- 2.3Procedure
- 2.4Analyses
- 3.Results
- 3.1Differences in word decoding development in Papiamento and Dutch
- 3.2Predicting word decoding development
- 3.3Linguistic interdependencies in word decoding development
- 4.Discussion
- 4.1Differences in L1 and L2 word decoding development
- 4.2Predicting the development of word decoding in Papiamento and Dutch
- 4.3Language interdependencies between Papiamento and Dutch word decoding
- 4.4Limitations and directions for future research
- 4.5Practical implications
- 4.6Conclusion
- Notes
Available under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) 4.0 license.
For any use beyond this license, please contact the publisher at [email protected].
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