Article published In:
Creoles and Typology
Edited by Parth Bhatt and Tonjes Veenstra
[Journal of Pidgin and Creole Languages 26:1] 2011
► pp. 111154
Cited by (27)

Cited by 27 other publications

Agostinho, Ana Lívia
2023. Word prosody of African versus European-origin words in Afro-European creoles. Linguistic Typology 27:2  pp. 481 ff. DOI logo
Bandeira, Manuele & Gabriel Antunes de Araujo
2022. A estratégia reflexiva no protocrioulo do Golfo da Guiné. DELTA: Documentação de Estudos em Lingüística Teórica e Aplicada 38:2 DOI logo
Bandeira, Manuele, Gabriel Antunes de Araujo & Thomas Finbow
2022. The Gulf of Guinea Proto-Creole and Its Daughter Languages: From Liquid Consonants to Complex Onsets and Vowel Lengthening. Journal of Language Contact 14:3  pp. 524 ff. DOI logo
Bartens, Angela & Ilpo Kempas
2022. «A praia está perto»: Zum Gebrauch des Verbsestarin Ausdrücken der statischen Lage im Portugiesischen. Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie 138:3  pp. 851 ff. DOI logo
Sands, Bonny
2022. Tracing Language Contact in Africa’s Past. In The Cambridge Handbook of Language Contact,  pp. 84 ff. DOI logo
Agostinho, Ana Lívia & Larry M. Hyman
2021. Word Prosody in Lung’Ie: One System or Two?. Probus 33:1  pp. 57 ff. DOI logo
Agostinho, Ana Lívia & Larry M. Hyman
2021. Word Prosody in Lung’Ie: One System or Two?. Probus 33:1  pp. 57 ff. DOI logo
Almeida, João, Anne-Maria Fehn, Margarida Ferreira, Teresa Machado, Tjerk Hagemeijer, Jorge Rocha & Magdalena Gayà-Vidal
2021. The Genes of Freedom: Genome-Wide Insights into Marronage, Admixture and Ethnogenesis in the Gulf of Guinea. Genes 12:6  pp. 833 ff. DOI logo
Cardoso, Hugo C.
2020. Contact and Portuguese‐Lexified Creoles. In The Handbook of Language Contact,  pp. 469 ff. DOI logo
Jacobs, Bart & Mikael Parkvall
2020. Chavacano (Philippine Creole Spanish). Journal of Pidgin and Creole Languages 35:1  pp. 88 ff. DOI logo
Jacobs, Bart & Mikael Parkvall
2021. How ‘Portuguese’ are Palenquero and Chabacano really?. Revue Romane. Langue et littérature. International Journal of Romance Languages and Literatures 56:2  pp. 235 ff. DOI logo
Agostinho, Ana Lívia, Gabriel Antunes de Araujo & Eduardo Ferreira dos Santos
2019. Partícula interrogativa e pitch-accent frasal nas perguntas polares em fa d’Ambô. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi. Ciências Humanas 14:3  pp. 857 ff. DOI logo
Bouchard, Marie-Eve
2019. Language shift from Forro to Portuguese: Language ideologies and the symbolic power of Portuguese on São Tomé Island. Lingua 228  pp. 102712 ff. DOI logo
Bouchard, Marie-Eve
2022. The vitality of Angolar. Journal of Pidgin and Creole Languages 37:1  pp. 160 ff. DOI logo
Bouchard, Marie-Eve
2023. Scaling proximity to whiteness: Racial boundary-making on São Tomé Island. Ethnography 24:2  pp. 197 ff. DOI logo
Hagemeijer, Tjerk & Jorge Rocha
2019. Creole languages and genes: the case of São Tomé and Príncipe*. Faits de Langues 49:1  pp. 167 ff. DOI logo
Kouwenberg, Silvia & John Victor Singler
2018. Creolization in Context: Historical and Typological Perspectives. Annual Review of Linguistics 4:1  pp. 213 ff. DOI logo
Parkvall, Mikael & Bart Jacobs
2018. The genesis of Chavacano revisited and solved. Lingua 215  pp. 53 ff. DOI logo
Parkvall, Mikael & Bart Jacobs
2020. Palenquero origins. Diachronica 37:4  pp. 540 ff. DOI logo
Sippola, Eeva
2017. Similarities and differences among Iberian creoles. In Creole Studies – Phylogenetic Approaches,  pp. 241 ff. DOI logo
Hagemeijer, Tjerk & Armando Zamora
2016. Fa d’Ambô: from past to present. International Journal of the Sociology of Language 2016:239 DOI logo
Hagemeijer, Tjerk
2015. The Gulf of Guinea creoles. In Perspectives on Historical Syntax [Studies in Language Companion Series, 169],  pp. 291 ff. DOI logo
Hagemeijer, Tjerk
2018. From creoles to Portuguese. In The Portuguese Language Continuum in Africa and Brazil [Issues in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics, 20],  pp. 169 ff. DOI logo
Mazzoli, Maria
2015. Complexity in gradience. In New Directions in Grammaticalization Research [Studies in Language Companion Series, 166],  pp. 231 ff. DOI logo
[no author supplied]
2022. Language Contact and Genetic Linguistics. In The Cambridge Handbook of Language Contact,  pp. 41 ff. DOI logo

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