Tjerk Hagemeijer | Centro de Linguística da Universidade de Lisboa
Especially since Ferraz (1974, 1975, 1979), it has been generally accepted that the four Gulf of Guinea creoles (GGCs) — Santome (ST), Angolar (ANG), Lung’ie (LU), and Fa d’Ambô (FA)2 — are closely related languages based on historical and linguistic data. Ferraz shares his view on the type of genetic relation between these creoles in the following quote:
To take the GG [Gulf of Guinea] case, it would not be plausible to assume that the contact language which developed in the town of São Tomé and the surrounding areas was the same as that which gave rise to Ang[olar], Pr[incipense], and Pag[alu]4. There are enough differences between each of these languages to rule out such a possibility. It would be closer to the truth to say that the four contact languages show many resemblances because, to a large extent, they grew up together, with slaves and settlers introduced through the central administration in São Tomé. (…). Hence different languages developed in the archipelago rather than dialects of one contact language. (Ferraz 1987: 348)
This paper will reassess the linguistic relation between the GGCs and the typological contribution of the African strata. It will be argued that there is substantial linguistic evidence that the GGCs are to a significant extent the result of a common ancestor, which throughout the paper will be labelled the proto-Gulf of Guinea creole (proto-GGC), and that this common ancestor derived most of its features from its Nigerian substrate rather than from western Bantu.
2023. Word prosody of African versus European-origin words in Afro-European creoles. Linguistic Typology 27:2 ► pp. 481 ff.
Bandeira, Manuele & Gabriel Antunes de Araujo
2022. A estratégia reflexiva no protocrioulo do Golfo da Guiné. DELTA: Documentação de Estudos em Lingüística Teórica e Aplicada 38:2
Bandeira, Manuele, Gabriel Antunes de Araujo & Thomas Finbow
2022. The Gulf of Guinea Proto-Creole and Its Daughter Languages: From Liquid Consonants to Complex Onsets and Vowel Lengthening. Journal of Language Contact 14:3 ► pp. 524 ff.
Bartens, Angela & Ilpo Kempas
2022. «A praia está perto»: Zum Gebrauch des Verbsestarin Ausdrücken der statischen Lage im Portugiesischen. Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie 138:3 ► pp. 851 ff.
Sands, Bonny
2022. Tracing Language Contact in Africa’s Past. In The Cambridge Handbook of Language Contact, ► pp. 84 ff.
Agostinho, Ana Lívia & Larry M. Hyman
2021. Word Prosody in Lung’Ie: One System or Two?. Probus 33:1 ► pp. 57 ff.
Agostinho, Ana Lívia & Larry M. Hyman
2021. Word Prosody in Lung’Ie: One System or Two?. Probus 33:1 ► pp. 57 ff.
Agostinho, Ana Lívia, Gabriel Antunes de Araujo & Eduardo Ferreira dos Santos
2019. Partícula interrogativa e pitch-accent frasal nas perguntas polares em fa d’Ambô. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi. Ciências Humanas 14:3 ► pp. 857 ff.
Bouchard, Marie-Eve
2019. Language shift from Forro to Portuguese: Language ideologies and the symbolic power of Portuguese on São Tomé Island. Lingua 228 ► pp. 102712 ff.
This list is based on CrossRef data as of 10 january 2025. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers.
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