Juba Arabic as a written language

Additional web materials


DOI: 10.1075/jpcl.29.2.06mil.additional

 Picture 1

Picture 1.  A page of Meldom’s 1913 dictionary


Picture 2

Picture 2bis

Picture 2 & 2 bis.  Cover and Introduction of the Gospel, translated & published by the Bible Alliance Mission, Holmes Beach, Florida 1978


Picture 3 Picture 3bis

Picture 3 & 3 bis.  Cover and First lesson of Reader 1, Catholic Mission Printing, Wao, 1929


 Picture 4

Picture 4bis

Picture 4 & 4bis.  Cover and p. 14-15 of booklet Taratil, African Inland Church, Juba, 1979


Picture 5

Picture 5.  1rst page ms Sudan Council of Churches Radio play, Juba, 1983


Picture 6 Picture 6bis

Picture 6 & 6bis.  Cover and p. 2 of Kwoto play Minu yau juwa, ms provided by Kwoto Center, Khartoum, 2002

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