Book review
John M. Lipski. The speech of the negros congos of Panama. John M. Lipski. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 1989. viii, 159 pp. Cloth. $53
References (5)
Herzfeld, Anita. 1983a. English Creole speakers in Costa Rica and Panama: A case study of attitude variation. Vergleichbarkeit von Sprachkontakten, ed. by Peter H. Nelde, 43–55. Bonn: Dümmler.
Herzfeld, Anita. 1983b. Limon Creole and Panamanian Creole: Comparison and contrast. Studies in Caribbean language, ed. by Lawrence D. Carrington, 23–37. St. Augustine, Trinidad: Society for Caribbean Linguistics.
Joly, Luz G. 1981. The ritual play of the Congos of north-central Panama: Its sociolinguistic implications. Sociolinguistic Working Papers No. 851. Austin, TX: Southwest Educational Development Laboratory.
Wolfram, Walt, and Ralph W. Fasold. 1974. The study of social dialects in American English. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.