Verbal working memory as a predictor of explicit and implicit knowledge of English passive voice
While there is copious evidence concerning the effectiveness of different instructional options in teaching
grammar (e.g.,
Nassaji, 2017;
Pawlak, 2017),
less is known about the extent to which the contribution of pedagogical intervention is mediated by individual factors. The same
can be said about the product of instructed but also uninstructed second language acquisition, that is the knowledge of target
language grammar. The paper attempts to shed light on one such variable, that is working memory, which has recently been an object
of intensive empirical inquiry (e.g.,
Li, 2017;
Wen, Biedroń, & Skehan, 2016). It reports the results of a study that investigated the role of verbal working
memory in the development of explicit and implicit knowledge of the English passive voice. Participants were 156 Polish university
students enrolled in a three-year BA program in English. The data on verbal working memory were collected by means of the
Polish Listening Span Test (PLSPAN), developed by
Zychowicz, Biedroń and
Pawlak (2017). Explicit knowledge was tapped by means of an untimed grammatically judgment test, which focused on
reception, and a traditional grammar test, which targeted production. Implicit knowledge was tapped through a timed grammaticality
judgment test for reception and a focused communication task (
Ellis, 2003) for
production. Correlational analysis demonstrated that verbal working memory was a weak predictor of explicit productive and
receptive knowledge but not implicit knowledge.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Literature review
- 2.1Working memory
- 2.2Explicit and implicit L2 knowledge
- 2.3The role of the central executive in learning L2 grammar
- 2.4The CE and the development of implicit and explicit grammar knowledge
- 3.The study
- 3.1Aims and research questions
- 3.2Participants
- 3.3Targeted structure
- 3.4Data collection and analysis
- 3.5Findings
- 4.Discussion
- 5.Conclusion
- Acknowledgements
- Notes
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