Part of
Clitic Doubling in the Balkan Languages
Edited by Dalina Kallulli and Liliane Tasmowski
[Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today 130] 2008
► pp. 289319
Cited by (7)

Cited by seven other publications

Smeets, Liz
2022. Feature reconfiguration at the syntax-discourse interface. In Generative SLA in the Age of Minimalism [Language Acquisition and Language Disorders, 67],  pp. 213 ff. DOI logo
Smeets, Liz
2024. Feature reassembly and L1 preemption: Acquiring CLLD in L2 Italian and L2 Romanian. Second Language Research 40:3  pp. 559 ff. DOI logo
Smeets, Liz
2024. L1 grammatical attrition through the acquisition of competing L2 discourse features. Frontiers in Psychology 15 DOI logo
Cornilescu, Alexandra
2015. On the syntax of datives in unaccusative configurations. In Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory 2013 [Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory, 8],  pp. 119 ff. DOI logo
Harizanov, Boris
2014. Clitic doubling at the syntax-morphophonology interface. Natural Language & Linguistic Theory 32:4  pp. 1033 ff. DOI logo
Hill, Virginia
2013. The Direct Object Marker in Romanian: A Historical Perspective. Australian Journal of Linguistics 33:2  pp. 140 ff. DOI logo
[no author supplied]

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