The Case-F valuation parameter in Romance
In this paper I propose that the operation of Agree (Chomsky 2000, 2001) is
parameterized with respect to the valuation of Case features. I build here on the
ideas put forward in Fernández-Salgueiro (2005), where I argued that Agree
has to be modified in certain respects in order to generate Further-Raising
constructions, i.e., A-Movement after Spec-Head agreement with ϕ-complete
Tense, which is possible in many Romance languages. If this is not done, Further
Raising constructions incur a violation of economy constraints on movement,
i.e., the principle of Last Resort. I also suggested that Case-F Valuation on subject
DPs can be delayed in most Romance languages, but not in other languages like
English. Here I develop the features of such a parametric approach in more detail,
and comment on acquisition issues and possible consequences for the general
theory of parametric variation as understood in the Minimalist Program.