In this paper, based on quantitative evidence collected on the YCOE, I argue that the establishment of the definite article in English is no later than the last quarter of the 9th century, being regularly used in Old English prose of the ‘Alfredian’ period. This dating enables one to exclude the possibility that the levelling of inflections, the Norman invasion or the contact with the Danes might have played a role in introducing the definite article as an innovation, and leaves as the sole possible ‘external’ influence the Celtic substratum/adstratum.
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2020. Formal Syntax as a Phylogenetic Method. In The Handbook of Historical Linguistics, ► pp. 145 ff.
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2020. Between demonstrative and definite: A grammar competition model of the evolution of French l-determiners. Canadian Journal of Linguistics/Revue canadienne de linguistique 65:3 ► pp. 393 ff.
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2019. Changes in the argument and event structure of psych verbs in the history of Spanish. In Cycles in Language Change, ► pp. 249 ff.
Bernstein, Judy, Francisco Ordóñez & Francesc Roca
2019. On the emergence of personal articles in the history of Catalan. In Cycles in Language Change, ► pp. 88 ff.
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2019. The noun phrase and the ‘Viking Hypothesis’. Language Variation and Change 31:2 ► pp. 219 ff.
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2019. French negation, the Superset Principle, and Feature Conservation. In Cycles in Language Change, ► pp. 199 ff.
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2019. The clitic doubling parameter. In Cycles in Language Change, ► pp. 52 ff.
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2019. When morphological and syntactic change are not in sync. In Cycles in Language Change, ► pp. 33 ff.
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2019. Weak elements in cycles. In Cycles in Language Change, ► pp. 71 ff.
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2019. Bare singular nouns in Middle Norwegian. In Cycles in Language Change, ► pp. 109 ff.
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[no author supplied]
2019. Copyright Page. In Cycles in Language Change, ► pp. iv ff.
[no author supplied]
2019. Series preface. In Cycles in Language Change, ► pp. vii ff.
[no author supplied]
2019. List of abbreviations. In Cycles in Language Change, ► pp. ix ff.
This list is based on CrossRef data as of 11 january 2025. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers.
Any errors therein should be reported to them.